Membership in the EFCSN signifies an organisation’s rigorous commitment to provide accurate information ethically and transparently, without bias or prejudice and focus on matters in the public interest as well as a proven track record of excellence, integrity and accountability as definied in the European Code of Standards for Independent Fact-Checking Organisations.
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Date: 01/08/2023
The team of non-partisan professional journalists was created by AEJ-Bulgaria in May 2021 to counter the increasing pollution of Bulgaria’s information environment. The project’s objective is to check claims about topics of public interest with significant potential social impact according to the highest standards of professional journalism. To maximize impact, the project focuses on helping Bulgarian journalists differentiate facts from falsehoods on social media, traditional media, public statements by officials and other information sources. The articles on the site are also meant more broadly to inform Bulgarian citizens who are interested in news and public affairs and seeking answers to other questions of social significance.
The Association of European Journalists-Bulgaria (AEJ-Bulgaria) is a non-profit association, established in 2010. It is a member of the International Association of European Journalists (, which brings together journalists and independent national associations in over 20 European countries. As a professional association, AEJ establishes positions and lobbies publicly on issues of crucial importance to working journalists across Europe such as freedom of speech, access to information, information integrity and the physical safety of journalists. The association also offers its members the opportunity to participate in a larger national and international professional and social network. The association is an official Observer in the Council of Europe’s Media Steering Committee.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 15/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 15/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 15/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
In the fall of 2023, local elections will be held in the country, but these may be combined with another early parliamentary election. Bulgaria has been in a tough political crisis for almost two years. The series of elections over the past two years demonstrated the widespread use of disinformation during political campaigns, leading to its popularization on social media and its unhindered penetration into traditional media. Thus we expect the forthcoming election campaign to enhance the spread of disinformation but in customized and localized versions of the big narratives that we have already debunked. Our fact-checking operation will be focused on the forthcoming elections and the attempts of some political actors to destabilize the political situation by spreading disinformation.
The war in Ukraine has been a topic in the first months of the war and due to some special cases such as Bucha killings, for example. Generally, the war creates a broader context of pressure and instability, where anti-EU, anti-NATO and anti-liberal Kremlin propaganda narratives thrive. The war in Ukraine turned out to be a key to changing the public debate – although not present as a specific topic of disinformation, it creates a destabilizing context that favors the spread of Russian propaganda. Thus the shadow of the war could be found in many issues seemingly unrelated to the war in Ukraine.
In the next year we will focus also on the disinformation related to the war in Ukraine, the EU membership, liberal values and human rights such as LGBT and women rights that are currently on the agenda of the populists parties and groups in the country.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 15/11/2023
Date: 10/01/2025
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 14/11/2023
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 15/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Date: 25/10/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 14/11/2023
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 21/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
3.1.H. Have internal policies that bar employees from accepting in a professional context any gifts, favours, or services with advantageous conditions that go beyond common social and courtesy items, and have procedures in place to take action if they do.
Article 2.2: Methodology
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 01/08/2023
Transparency of Methodology
We evaluate all evidence to the same high standards that we apply to all equivalent statements, regardless of the source of those statements.
We only verify claims which are presented as facts and can be shown to be true or false. We can not and do not try to verify opinions.
We prioritize the claims we check based on a combination of three factors: appearing dubious on the surface; having potential significant social impact because of the subject matter or the speaker's public position or influence; reaching a wide audience, based on the amount of engagements on social media or size of the television, radio or print media market.
When appropriate and necessary to verify a claim, we seek to contact the source and include their response to questions about their statement and evidence which counters their claim.
How We Work on Selected Claims
Transparency of Sources
Primary information sources are the most reliable and are always used whenever possible. Only when such sources are not available are secondary sources used.
This lack of availability will be duly explained.
We use reputable sources such as official statistics, scientific articles published in reputable journals, papers by prominent think tanks and other NGOs, academia and experts with reputations for excellence and neutrality. We also consult books, news reports and fact-checks published by other organizations.
Key elements of all claims are verified based on at least two reliable information sources, except in cases when only one such source is relevant.
If any sources cited have financial or other interests that may affect the accuracy or credibility of the evidence provided, such potential conflicts are disclosed so that readers themselves can assess the reliability of the information.
We always include links to source materials in our articles, preferably in Bulgarian whenever possible. We also archive screenshots of webpages, social media posts, TV shows, and other sources for potential future reference. We use graphs and charts in order to show data or interconnections. Whenever appropriate, our fact checks include explanations why a specific claim was checked or a description of our research process and why a certain source was selected, in order for the public to better understand fact-checking and learn to do it themselves.
We add more background reporting and context when fact-checking a topic unfamiliar to the Bulgarian public.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 14/11/2023
This requirement is properly fulfilled, the detailed explanation titled "work principles" is available and easily accessible via main menu on the website.
Source: /
Conclusion: meets the criteria in Art. 2A.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 21/11/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
This principle is announced as a part of methodology: "We evaluate evidence to the same high standards that we apply to equivalent claims, regardless of the source of those claims. " [1]
For example, the equal application of the principles can be shown in the assessment of the facts regarding two political parties – "Продължаваме промяната" (ПП), currently part of the governing coalition, and "Възраждане", currently part of the opposition.
[5] PolitiCheck: Няма насилствена смяна на имената на българите в Украйна, както твърди Костадин Костадинов
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 21/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
According to the written mission of "The articles on the site also aim to inform Bulgarian citizens who are interested in news and public affairs, and who are looking for answers to other questions of public importance.” [1]
Central topics are Covid-19 pandemic and Covid-19 vaccines. More than 70 publications concern disinformation related to the pandemic, protection against it, the policy of Bulgaria and the EU on the issue. The disinformation has contributed significantly to the country having the lowest rate of inoculations in the EU [2]
Another central theme is the war in Ukraine and pro-Kremlin propaganda. More than 120 publications are devoted to this topic.
Ukrainian language information is also supported. [3]
Bulgaria has been in a political crisis for almost two years, went through a series of early elections and was governed mostly by caretaker governments. In order to respond to this situation, "PolitiCheck" section is created, where only claims made by politicians are checked. [4]
Almost all publications are related to a topic of public importance.
Conclusion: fulfills the requirement written in Article 2C.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 15/12/2023
Needs more info
Date: 05/01/2024
Needs more info
Date: 05/01/2024
The topics mentioned by the assessor are part of our video series “Let me explain”, devoted to some of the most popular conspiracy theories. The project is part of our efforts to fight science misinformation, which is extremely popular in Bulgaria, especially on TikTok. According to our research, these topics are social media evergreens and resurge triggered by topical events, for example:
Needs more info
Date: 05/01/2024
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023 provides available and easily accessible channel through which the public can submit possible claims for verification on the website on site:
“ Encountered a claim you think needs to be checked?
Ask us. We carefully review all questions submitted by readers. If there is sufficient basis, we will perform a fact check. If not, we will respond with an email explaining why not. Please provide as much information as possible about the claim in the fields below.” [1]
The form is attached (in Bulgarian and in English).
Conclusion: fulfills the requirement written in Article 2D.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 22/11/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
Art.2E requires the reader to have access to all information for a verification process.
The posts on the site are detailed and circumstantial. They present the analysts' reasoning step by step to the conclusion, which could be seen in a concise form in the title of publication.
Conclusion: fulfills the requirement written in Article 2E.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 23/11/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
a) every factual statement to be justified, relying on primary sources where possible
b) relevant evidence that appears to support the claim as well as relevant evidence that appears to undermine it to be provided.
Firstly, factual statements in fact-checking are detailed and thoroughly substantiated. This applies especially to publications in the fields of Politics. For example ideological roots of disinformation and conspirative theories are discussed. The myth of Russia’s “divine” mission to preserve Christian civilization after the Western world’s turn to materialism, secularism, and individualism can be traced even before fascist philosophers rehabilitated by Vladimir Putin. [1]
Secondly, Art. 2F requires considering relevant evidence that appears to support the claim as well as relevant evidence that appears to undermine it.
This approach is consistently applied in all analyses.
[1] Kremlin speaking: homophobia as geopolitics
[4] PolitiCheck: It is not true that Germany's Constitutional Court has declared voting machines unreliable
Conclusion: fulfills the requirement written in Article 2F.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 23/11/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
a| at least two sources
It is explicitly envisaged in the methodology available on the website: "We require at least two independent sources of information to verify the main claim in the fact-check article."
“We use reputable sources such as official statistics, scientific articles published in reputable journals, papers by prominent think tanks and other NGOs, academia and experts with reputations for excellence and neutrality. We also consult books, news reports and fact-checks published by other organizations.
Key elements of all claims are verified based on at least two reliable information sources, except in cases when only one such source is relevant.” [1]
To the post „No, wind turbines in Scotland do not produce green electricity through diesel“ there are seven sources of scientific and expert nature [3] , to the post “No, it is not true that Ukrainian children have priority in Bulgarian schools” the sources are ten etc. [4]
[2] When do coal power plants in the EU close - by country
[3] Не, вятърни турбини в Шотландия не произвеждат зелен ток чрез дизел/ No, wind turbines in Scotland do not produce green electricity through diesel
Conclusion: fulfills the requirement written in Article 2G.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 23/11/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
Art 2H requires transparency of sources. At the same time anonymous sources are not prohibited for use under certain circumstances.
The methodology explicitly states:
As a general rule, does not use anonymous sources in fact-checking articles. This is possible only in exceptional cases when a source is at risk and the information provided by him is necessary for the refutation and is confirmed by other available sources. [1]
An example of a very carefully shown history of exposure step by step, using different methods and technologies, is the publication named Lies come faster than vaccines [2]
No practice of using anonymous sources is observed.
[2] Lies come faster than vaccines
Conclusion: fulfills the requirement written in Article 2H.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 24/11/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
The methodology explicitly states: "We use reputable sources such as official statistics, scientific articles published in reputable journals, papers by prominent think tanks and other NGOs, academia and experts with reputations for excellence and neutrality." [1]
There is a particularly careful selection of experts on health topics, as the Covid-19 pandemic raised new and unexplored questions on which there was no scientific consensus.
In this context, the responsibility of journalism is great. In order to make maximum use of the country's scientific and expert potential to counter disinformation, has created a scientific register / register of experts, who would like to cooperate in fact-checking in their field of their expertise. publishes on its website an application form for applications. The main goal is to increase trust in the media and in science by creating better and more in-depth content.[2]
[3] No, the reason for the red glow over Bulgaria is not HAARP
Conclusion: fulfills the requirement written in Article 2I.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 24/11/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
How We Work on Selected Claims
Conclusion: Factcheck,bg fulfills the requirement written in Article 2J.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 24/11/2023
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 24/11/2023
Best Practices:
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 14/12/2023
Article 3.1: Non-Partisanship and Impartiality
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 01/08/2023
Impartiality and Integrity
Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy. While every citizen is free to have her or his own opinion, contributors do not express their opinions publicly on issues of social significance in any way which might lead the public to see the work of as biased.
We recognize the enormous social responsibility of fact-checking. We are dedicated to complete fairness and impartiality on all sides of every issue. The team employs constant vigilance to maintain awareness of bias and to avoid favoring any side of any issue. We avoid even the appearance of bias or potential conflict of interest because it would compromise the quality of our work.
Editorial Independence
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
The Association of European Journalists-Bulgaria (AEJ-Bulgaria) is a non-profit association, established in 2010. It is a member of the International Association of European Journalists (, which brings together journalists and independent national associations in over 20 European countries. As a professional association, AEJ establishes positions and lobbies publicly on issues of crucial importance to working journalists across Europe such as freedom of speech, access to information, information integrity and the physical safety of journalists. The association also offers its members the opportunity to participate in a larger national and international professional and social network. The association is an official Observer in the Council of Europe’s Media Steering Committee.
According to Article 1 of the Organization's Statute, the Association is a legal entity with a non-profit purpose for public benefit, established and registered according to the provisions of Bulgarian legislation.The association is an apolitical, religiously neutral and independent organization of like-minded people.
Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy. While every citizen is free to have her or his own opinion, contributors do not express their opinions publicly on issues of social significance in any way which might lead the public to see the work of as biased.
We recognize the enormous social responsibility of fact-checking. We are dedicated to complete fairness and impartiality on all sides of every issue. The team employs constant vigilance to maintain awareness of bias and to avoid favoring any side of any issue. We avoid even the appearance of bias or potential conflict of interest because it would compromise the quality of our work. [2]
Conclusion: Given all written policies and related facts AFP Proveri meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.A.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 29/11/2023
However, I would like to propose that explains in a special paragraph in its methodology section (or in any other form) its mission to fight Kremlin and other anti-democratic propaganda. I have the impression that many people in Bulgaria do not understand the importance of fighting anti-democratic propaganda in a fair way and perceive the mission of as biased. That's why I think that it will be a good idea for the team to better explain its focus on disinformation coming from anti-democratic propaganda.
I will address later in this assessment the issue concerning the fair balance and proportionality in the number of the fact-checked claims of the Bulgarian politicians.
Needs more info
Date: 05/01/2024
Date: 01/08/2023
Impartiality and Integrity
Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy. While every citizen is free to have her or his own opinion, contributors do not express their opinions publicly on issues of social significance in any way which might lead the public to see the work of as biased.
We recognize the enormous social responsibility of fact-checking. We are dedicated to complete fairness and impartiality on all sides of every issue. The team employs constant vigilance to maintain awareness of bias and to avoid favoring any side of any issue. We avoid even the appearance of bias or potential conflict of interest because it would compromise the quality of our work.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023 strictly follows the requirements for non-partisanship and fairness, The fact-checking operation declares: "We are completely non-partisan and neither staff nor contributors are affiliated with any political parties, officials or candidates. We do not take sides in any political debates on any issues except for transparency, accuracy and information integrity. Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy. While every citizen is free to have her or his own opinion, contributors do not express their opinions publicly on issues of social significance in any way which might lead the public to see the work of as biased. "
To the best of my knowledge - there are no facts and practices in violation of this standard.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 24/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Impartiality and Integrity
Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy. While every citizen is free to have her or his own opinion, contributors do not express their opinions publicly on issues of social significance in any way which might lead the public to see the work of as biased.
We recognize the enormous social responsibility of fact-checking. We are dedicated to complete fairness and impartiality on all sides of every issue. The team employs constant vigilance to maintain awareness of bias and to avoid favoring any side of any issue. We avoid even the appearance of bias or potential conflict of interest because it would compromise the quality of our work.
Editorial Independence
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
This operation's partnerships are public and Code-compliant. strictly follows the requirements for non-partisanship and fairness,
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 24/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
In methodology is explicitly written: We are completely non-partisan and neither staff nor contributors are affiliated with any political parties, officials or candidates. [1]
Society is polarized on various topics, among which the main ones are geopolitical orientation (East - West), the war in Ukraine and the attitude towards Putin's policy, poverty and income policy, etc. Political parties and leading political figures differ in their attitudes to the issues mentioned.
[2]see provided list by the fact-checking operation
Conclusion: Given all written policies and related facts my conclusion is that meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.D.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 27/11/2023
Needs more info
Date: 05/01/2024
Date: 01/08/2023
Impartiality and Integrity
Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy. While every citizen is free to have her or his own opinion, contributors do not express their opinions publicly on issues of social significance in any way which might lead the public to see the work of as biased.
We recognize the enormous social responsibility of fact-checking. We are dedicated to complete fairness and impartiality on all sides of every issue. The team employs constant vigilance to maintain awareness of bias and to avoid favoring any side of any issue. We avoid even the appearance of bias or potential conflict of interest because it would compromise the quality of our work.
Editorial Independence
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
The policy of the parent organization, the editorial standards and the facts (no information on violations of the standards) prove that is in accordance with the requirement of Article 3.1.E.
Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy. While every citizen is free to have her or his own opinion, contributors do not express their opinions publicly on issues of social significance in any way which might lead the public to see the work of as biased.
We recognize the enormous social responsibility of fact-checking. We are dedicated to complete fairness and impartiality on all sides of every issue. The team employs constant vigilance to maintain awareness of bias and to avoid favoring any side of any issue. We avoid even the appearance of bias or potential conflict of interest because it would compromise the quality of our work.”
Conclusion: Given all written policies and related facts meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.E.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 27/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Impartiality and Integrity
Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy. While every citizen is free to have her or his own opinion, contributors do not express their opinions publicly on issues of social significance in any way which might lead the public to see the work of as biased.
We recognize the enormous social responsibility of fact-checking. We are dedicated to complete fairness and impartiality on all sides of every issue. The team employs constant vigilance to maintain awareness of bias and to avoid favoring any side of any issue. We avoid even the appearance of bias or potential conflict of interest because it would compromise the quality of our work.
Editorial Independence
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
The editorial standards explicitly require journalists to declare any potential conflict of interest in their financial reporting to their bureau or service chief and to the regional editor. ”We recognize the enormous social responsibility of fact-checking. We are dedicated to complete fairness and impartiality on all sides of every issue. The team employs constant vigilance to maintain awareness of bias and to avoid favoring any side of any issue. We avoid even the appearance of bias or potential conflict of interest because it would compromise the quality of our work.”[1]
Source: [1]
There are not such examples yet in original fact-checks in Bulgarian.
Conclusion: Given all written policies and related facts meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.F.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 29/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Impartiality and Integrity
Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy. While every citizen is free to have her or his own opinion, contributors do not express their opinions publicly on issues of social significance in any way which might lead the public to see the work of as biased.
We recognize the enormous social responsibility of fact-checking. We are dedicated to complete fairness and impartiality on all sides of every issue. The team employs constant vigilance to maintain awareness of bias and to avoid favoring any side of any issue. We avoid even the appearance of bias or potential conflict of interest because it would compromise the quality of our work.
Editorial Independence
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
Impartiality is a leading principle in the journalism ethics. standards and best practices bar employees from partisanship: „.Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy. While every citizen is free to have her or his own opinion, contributors do not express their opinions publicly on issues of social significance in any way which might lead the public to see the work of as biased. “[1]
Conclusion: Given all written policies and related facts meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.G.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 29/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
As far as the fact checking operation has not adopted an explicit policy regarding gifts, favors, or services with advantageous conditions that go beyond common social and courtesy items, in this case, in my opinion, the principles of the Association of European Journalists and the Association of European Journalists - Bulgaria are relevant.
Conclusion: Given all written standards and related facts my conclusion is that meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.H.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 29/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Impartiality and Integrity
Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy. While every citizen is free to have her or his own opinion, contributors do not express their opinions publicly on issues of social significance in any way which might lead the public to see the work of as biased.
We recognize the enormous social responsibility of fact-checking. We are dedicated to complete fairness and impartiality on all sides of every issue. The team employs constant vigilance to maintain awareness of bias and to avoid favoring any side of any issue. We avoid even the appearance of bias or potential conflict of interest because it would compromise the quality of our work.
Editorial Independence
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
These non- partisanship policies are prominent and easily accessible on the website as follows:
Team members are forbidden from engaging in advocacy. While every citizen is free to have her or his own opinion, contributors do not express their opinions publicly on issues of social significance in any way which might lead the public to see the work of as biased.
We recognize the enormous social responsibility of fact-checking. We are dedicated to complete fairness and impartiality on all sides of every issue. The team employs constant vigilance to maintain awareness of bias and to avoid favoring any side of any issue. We avoid even the appearance of bias or potential conflict of interest because it would compromise the quality of our work.
Editorial Independence
Conclusion: Given all written standards and related facts my conclusion is that Factcheck meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.I.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 29/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
Conclusion: meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.I.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 17/12/2023
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 29/11/2023
Article 3.2: Privacy and Safety
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 02/12/2023
The practice of testifies to strict compliance with the requirements for minimizing harm. The fact-checking operation testifies that they do not have published fact checks with images and/or identity of subjects of an investigation for whom there is a reasonable concern for their safety.
As regards the identity of subjects of an investigation when there is a reasonable concern for their safety, the GDPR provisions have been implemented.
[1] information provided by
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Art. 3.2. А.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
Revised text:
According to the Art. 3.2. А, operations must obscure the image and/or identity of subjects of an investigation when there is a reasonable concern for their safety.
The practice of testifies about strict compliance with the requirements for minimizing harm. The fact-checking operation testifies that they do not have published fact checks with images and/or identity of subjects of an investigation for whom there is a reasonable concern for their safety.As regards the identity of subjects of an investigation when there is a reasonable concern for their safety, the GDPR provisions have been implemented.
[1] information provided by
Conclusion: According to the written policies and published fact-checks meets the criteria in the Art. 3.2. А.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 30/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
In these cases, the principle is that the focus of the publication is not on the identity of the people when it is not relevant to the investigation.The text of the fact-check usually does not name such users or highlight their identity in any other way. When the misinformation was spread by a public figure - then the name of the source with relevant context could be included. Exceptions are made even in such cases when it is known that identification would put his safety at risk. [1]
[2] Не е вярно, че България е подкрепяла нацизма при гласуване в ООН
Conclusion: meets the criteria in the Art. 3.2. B.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 30/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
The GDPR provisions have been strictly implemented by,
No violation of the rules for the protection of personal data was found in their publications.
Personal data that are not anonymized in violation of the requirements of the GDPR and the Code are not found in fact-checks.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 30/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
The GDPR provisions have been strictly implemented by,
No violation of the rules for the protection of personal data was found in their publications.
Personal data that are not anonymized in violation of the requirements of the GDPR and the Code are not found in fact-checks.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 30/11/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 30/11/2023
Best Practices
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 01/08/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Article 3.3: Honest corrections
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
In the case of a minor error that does not alter the fact-finding result, the necessary correction shall be made to the published text and a footnote will indicate that a correction has been made.
In case of a significant error which questions the result of the fact check, a new fact check will be performed by other team members. New evidence will be sought and compared with the findings of the initial fact check. The team will then try to find the cause of the error. In such cases, the old fact check will be removed and the new fact check will be published. The article will include a thorough and detailed explanation why the original text was removed and the results of the recent review.
Readers are invited to contact us via email ([email protected]) to notify us of any errors in published materials. We review all evidence brought to us and will communicate with the reader about the steps to be made based on our assessment.”
Users are invited to report if they believe there is a factual error in a post.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
When the mistake is significant, the correction should be made in the same format and channel as the original so that as far as possible users of the original see the correction and the corrected version.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
Conclusion: meets the criteria in the Art. 3.3. С.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Колаж в социалните медии заблуждава, че Украйна извършва престъпления срещу българи, 11.07.2023
Подвеждащи са снимките, обвързващи политици с представители на нацисткия режим в Германия, 18.04.2022
Какво показват данните за смъртността от Ковид-19 в Англия, които Мангъров разпространи, 12.09.2021
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
This is happening mainly when the fact-checkers are reflecting and analyzing more dynamic processes or when they are obtaining new evidences.
The requirement of 3.3.В is provided in the rules of, as the addition is considered in the context of the corrections, which must be explicitly noted and explained to the same publication [1]
Looking through the posts with corrections, you can see that some of the posts are marked as "amended and supplemented". The addition is carefully explained - in this case, with obtaining of new information [2]
[2] What do the data on the death rate from Covid-19 in England show, 12.09.2021
Conclusion: meets the criteria in the Art. 3.3. D.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
The corrections policy is visible and easily accessible on the webpage of On the same page a list of correcions and hyperlinks to them are published
Колаж в социалните медии заблуждава, че Украйна извършва престъпления срещу българи, 11.07.2023
Подвеждащи са снимките, обвързващи политици с представители на нацисткия режим в Германия, 18.04.2022
Какво показват данните за смъртността от Ковид-19 в Англия, които Мангъров разпространи, 12.09.2021
Conclusion: meets the criteria in the Art. 3.3. E.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
Information on how requests for corrections are being assessed is included in the respective policy and is easily accessible on the website of The principle of transparency and dialog is also emphasized: “We review all evidence brought to us and will communicate with the reader about the steps to be made based on our assessment.” [1]
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Best Practices:
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as best practices that are encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 01/08/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Article 4.1: Organisational transparency
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
A. Organizational profile and structure is an initiative of the Assossiation of European Journalists - Bulgaria (AEJ – Bulgaria) [1]
The Association of European Journalists-Bulgaria (AEJ-Bulgaria) is a non-profit association, established in 2010.
The editor has editorial control over all content published on The journalists conduct the fact checks and write the articles which are edited by the editor before appearing on the site. Decisions about which claims to check, how they are checked and how the fact checks are written are made jointly by the journalists and the editor.
The Project Manager is responsible for the financial, legal and technical sustainability of the project. She also leads the long-term strategy of The Partnerships Coordinator is responsible for the project's external relations with donors and partner organizations. The Database Consultant supports the team in their technology- and data-related investigations. The Social Media Manager helps promote published fact checks and the broader mission of
Conclusion: meets the criteria in Art. 4.1.A
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 12/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
1. is an initiative of AEJ – Bulgaria. [1]
Information related to the ownership and legal status of the operation and/or parent organization AEJ - Bulgaria is easily accessible on the website of the operation
Conclusion: meets the criteria in Art. 4.1.B
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 12/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023 is an initiative of AEJ – Bulgaria, non-profit under Bulgarian jurisdiction. [1]
The management includes three media specialists with different experience in journalism and data science.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 12/12/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 11/12/2023
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 12/12/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 11/12/2023
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 12/12/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 11/12/2023
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 12/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
There is a presentation of two teams - editorial team and management - on the website of [1]
The editor has editorial control over all content published on The journalists conduct the fact checks and write the articles which are edited by the editor before appearing on the site. Decisions about which claims to check, how they are checked and how the fact checks are written are made jointly by the journalists and the editor.
The Project Manager is responsible for the financial, legal and technical sustainability of the project. She also leads the long-term strategy of The Partnerships Coordinator is responsible for the project's external relations with donors and partner organizations. The Database Consultant supports the team in their technology- and data-related investigations. The Social Media Manager helps promote published fact checks and the broader mission of
Conclusion: meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.1. E
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 12/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
On the page "Team" all members of the editorial team are presented.
Conclusion: meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.1. F
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 12/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023 has published information on its mission, values and standards [1].
According to the page "Mission" The mission of is to counter the increasing pollution of Bulgaria’s media environment by disinformation and misinformation. Democratic societies need information with integrity for their citizens to make informed decisions. By checking facts according to the highest standards of professional journalism on topics of the greatest social impact, aims to help Bulgarian citizens make their own informed choices on pressing issues such as the elections of their political leaders, public health during a global pandemic and upholding Bulgaria's human rights obligations. supports the efforts of Bulgarian journalists to provide media consumers with quality information by checking claims made in social media, traditional media, public statements by officials and elsewhere. By providing verified reliable information on topics which are frequent targets of disinformation campaigns, also helps inform more broadly Bulgarian citizens interested in news and public affairs and those seeking answers to other questions of social significance.
More about principles and protection of editorial independence could be seen on page ""How we work."[2]
Conclusion: meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.1. G
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 13/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
According to the provided information by fact-check operation, the editorial team respects work principles, available and easily accessible on the website. [1]
In addition Ethic Code of Bulgarian Media [2] and Ethic Standards of AEJ - Bulgaria [3] should be mentioned.
[1] Principles
[2] Ethic Code of Bulgarian Media
[3] Ethic Standards of AEJ - Bulgaria
Conclusion: meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.1. Н
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 13/12/2023
Article 4.2: Financial transparency and conflicts of interest
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), organisations or parent organisations must:
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
Art. 4.2.A. requires operations to disclose all income sources contributing 1% or 5.000 euros (whichever the higher), from the most recent annual accounts when joining and the last two annual accounts when renewing membership, to external assessors and the Governance Body; this does not need to be publicly disclosed and will be under confidentiality.
All income sources that have amounted to more than 1% of Factcheck’s annual income from the most recent annual accounts are presented.
On the website the funders are presented as follows:
"Our funders play no role in our fact-checking process. Staffed by independent media professionals, has no personal or institutional relations with any individuals, institutions or political entities covered in Bulgaria or other countries. Please read here about our editorial independence.
Small Grants Program of the U.S. Embassy received support from the U.S. Embassy Sofia Small Grants Program for fact-checking trainings for journalists, students and activists from January - November 2021. The support also covered the organization of a fact-checking competition on the topic: “Human Rights as a Target of Disinformation Campaigns.” The U.S. Embassy plays no role in any of these activities – editorial, supervisory or otherwise – and they are entirely managed and implemented by
European Parliament contract From May - September 2021, implemented the project "DetecDisinfoNet" with funding provided by the European Parliament. The objective was to fund the production and publication of fact-checking on European-wide topics including the pandemic, energy, human rights and foreign policy. All the fact checks published under this grant are clearly marked as such and the European Parliament played no role beyond funding. The editor of examines every story assignment for potential conflicts of interest and takes full responsibility for the choice of topics and how they are fact-checked. From December 2021 to July 2022, again received financing from the European Parliament for another project whose objective is to build and grow the fact-checking community.
Active Citizens Fund In October 2021 started a new project to cultivate a community of scientist fact-checkers and collaborate with and its team of journalists. The project is supported by the Active Citizens Fund [ACF] in Bulgaria. Funded by donors Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and administered by the Open Society Institute - Sofia, the goal of the ACF is to foster civil society development. The grant includes developing a methodology for scientific fact-checking; setting up a system to coordinate fact-checking collaborations between scientists and journalists; fact-checking training for scientists; and the production of fact checks to be published on the site. The project ends in October 2023.
NATO Public Diplomacy Programme received funding from the NATO Public Diplomacy Programme to produce 6 fact checks and 4 short videos for the site from October 1 - December 31 2021. The funding is dedicated to supporting fact-checking in NATO member states generally and NATO exercises no influence over the choice of claims to check nor the way in which they are verified. All published reports supported under the program will be clearly marked as such.
Countering Disinformation Innovation Fund, U.S. Department of State The project “Boosting the factchecking capacity of” is funded by Counter State Disinformation Innovation Fund and consists of the production of at least 18 actual factchecks on political statements and other disinformation narratives and campaigns in the social and traditional media. The project’s objectives are to increase the speed and depth of fact-checking coverage of critical events in Bulgarian and around the world, such as the war in Ukraine. An additional objective is to create a more trustworthy, robust media environment by providing free and much-needed content on timely issues to Bulgaria’s beleaguered independent media who have limited resources to research and respond to disinformation. The project’s period is 1 October 2022- 31 March 2023.
Detect and Check Disinformation, U.S. Department of State The project “Boosting the fact checking community in Bulgaria” is implemented in partnership with Poynter institute for media studies and consists of three main activities. In the first the partners developed a fact-checking program and guide designed to equip Bulgarian national and regional journalists and journalism students with the skills to identify disinformation in Bulgaria and to develop effective fact-checking measures to counter it. The next element consists of training 12 fact-checkers from and other media to become professional fact-checking trainers. The third element is the fact-checking academy which has two sessions - summer and autumn, to train 100 regional journalists and journalism students.
European Media and Information Fund The project “Combat disinformation in a sustainable way - COMDISWAY” is implemented with the financial support of the European Media and Information Fund, managed by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. The sole responsibility of the content lies with and does not necessarily reflect the positions of EMIF and the Fund Partners, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the European University Institute.
The project’ team will search for disinformation in two ways - in the isolated Bulgarian Facebook groups and through international partnerships (the IFCN, Science+) and other fact-checking platforms (EDMO, EU vs Disinfo). This way, the project will be able to address both local disinformation discourses and major narratives popular in Central and Eastern European countries.
For the articles on disinformation about the war in Ukraine and its broader context, will continue to translate these articles into Ukrainian and to increase their reach via a partnership with the Ukrainian fact-checker StopFake. will republish articles in Ukrainian. It will also provide the team with consultation on Ukrainian topics throughout the whole project cycle.
Google partnership The Association of European Journalists - Bulgaria (AEJ) and Google have launched a new partnership as a joint effort to promote media literacy and counter disinformation in Bulgaria. Google’s funding will allow for the scale and reach of to grow, which will enable AEJ to enlarge its team, establish at least 5 new partnerships with media outlets and double their online audience (website views and social media followers). At least 96 fact-checks will be made on various actual topics in the framework of the project. The project period is July 2023 - July 2024.
[1] information, provided by
Conclusion: meets the criteria in 4.2.A concerning transparency of funding, including overall annual income of the organization and main sources of income.
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 13/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
AEJ LTD is a private company and doesn't have the obligation to disclose its annual funding publicly on the website.
For the last two years AEJ LTD annual income is the following:
2021 - 130 000 BGN
The NGO AEJ-Bulgaria has the obligation to publicly disclose its annual income on the website:
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 11/12/2023
b) According to the information provided by, the operation is a platform supported by two legal entities: the NGO Association of European Journalists-Bulgaria and the company AEJ LTD. %b8/
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 14/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
a) with regard to media, platforms and other commercial entities - on the website is explicitly emphasized that " exercises strict editorial independence when fulfilling the terms of all contracts."
b) with regard to European Union, the contracts with the European Union include the right of the operation not to consider either the information or the results of scientific research with the possible opinion of the funding agency.
Conclusion: meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.2. C
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 14/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023
This operation declares, that it does not have unpaid significant commitments and the established mechanisms at work do not allow such a hypothesis.
Conclusion: meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.2. D
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 14/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023 does not publish sponsored content.
Conclusion: meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.2. E
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 14/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023 does not have services or goods in this category, according to the attached information. has only partnership on content and expertise, as well as media partnerships.
Conclusion meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.2. F
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 14/12/2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 03/12/2023 does not have services or goods in this category, according to the attached information. has only partnership on content and expertise, as well as media partnerships.
Conclusion meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.2. F
Tsvetelina Sokolova (assessor)
Date: 14/12/2023
Best Practices
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 01/08/2023