Membership in the EFCSN signifies an organisation’s rigorous commitment to provide accurate information ethically and transparently, without bias or prejudice and focus on matters in the public interest as well as a proven track record of excellence, integrity and accountability as definied in the European Code of Standards for Independent Fact-Checking Organisations.
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AFP (Agence France-Presse)
Please, answer the following questions:
Date: 03/02/2023
AFP Proveri is a distinct, Bulgarian section of the legally registered French press agency AFP (Agence France-Presse). AFP Proveri was set up in 2021, exclusively for the purpose of fact-checking.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
Date: 03/02/2023
- - training
- - public presentations of our work
- - tech innovation to reinforce fact-checking tools
- - collaborations and partnerships on fighting disinformation, especially at European level
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
Date: 03/02/2023
We also hope to expand our partnerships with fellow fact-checkers and other actors fighting disinformation in Europe through our various European hubs and projects. More detail about our European projects can be found here.
We hope to reinforce transparency and strengthen the impact of our work with online platforms and social networks.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
Date: 03/02/2023
The Europe team’s work also feeds into the European hubs belonging to the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) network: DE FACTO for France, CEDMO for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, EDMO BELUX for Belgium and Luxembourg, HDMO-Lakmusz for Hungary, GADMO for Germany and Austria, BROD for Romania and Bulgaria, ADMO for Croatia and Slovenia, and MedMO for Greece, Cyprus and Malta.
AFP also collaborates with other European projects fighting disinformation, as listed here.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP Proveri is a distinct Bulgarian section, aimed at debunking misinformation in Bulgarian and mainly for Bulgarians.
Date: 17/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
Date: 03/02/2023
Le code EFCSN n'a pas entraîné de changements majeurs en termes de directives éditoriales - mais certaines parties du code nous aident à rationaliser notre approche dans des domaines tels que la confidentialité, garantissant que nos équipes appliquent systématiquement nos normes éthiques déjà explicites dans nos vérifications des faits.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
Article 2.2: Methodology
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 03/02/2023
Cette page est également publiée dans toutes nos autres langues.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
This requirement is properly fulfilled, the detailed explanation titled "How we work" is available and easily accessible via main menu on the website.
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in Art. 2A.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
This principle is announced as a part of methodology: "We apply the same investigative approach and standards of evidence regardless of who has made the claim, and we do not focus on any one candidate, party or website. We may however produce more fact-checks on sources that are consistent spreaders of potentially harmful misinformation. " [1]
For example, photos of mass gatherings of people are used arbitrarily to illustrate other events unrelated to the subject of the photo. The same methods and standards are used to expose misleading information regardless of the source:
a) The footage with the burning Bulgarian flag was shot in North Macedonia in 2021, not in Kyiv in 2015 [2]
b) This photo shows a march of Trump supporters in 2020, not an anti-war rally held recently [3]
c) This is a photo from a march in Republika Srpska and has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine [4]
d) March in support of Ukraine in Rome in 2022 is falsely presented as a protest against Zelensky in Ukraine [5]
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in Art. 2B.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
In "AFP editorial standards and best practices" are listed typical "areas of concern" - such as: elections, mass shootings, grief/ minimizing harm, hate speech/ incitement to violence etc. [1], Covid-19 pandemic (2020-2023) and war in Ukraine (2022-) and related topics such as the refugee flow. А matter of public interest is also the opposition between East and West, the clash of European values with the denial of the country's pro-European orientation, the attitude towards the EU and NATO.
All fact-checks with very few exceptions are devoted to these topics. In the central horizontal menu of the website, the leading topics are Health, Science, Environment and Politics.
[1] AFP editorial standards and best practices - p.10-12
Conclusion: AFP Proveri fulfills the requirement written in Article 2C.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP Proveri provides available and easily accessible channel through which the public can submit possible claims for verification:
a) on the website [1]
b) there is another opportunity via facebook [2]
Conclusion: AFP Proveri fulfills the requirement written in Article 2D.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
The posts on the AFR Proveri site are very detailed and circumstantial, presenting the analysts' reasoning step by step to the conclusion - usually presented in a concise form in the title.
The subject of publications is, for example, the status of refugees from the war in Ukraine who arrive in Bulgaria. According to some publications on the social networks, Ukrainians receive free apartments and benefits that are not available to Bulgarian citizens.
Although Bulgaria has indeed adopted measures to help refugees, the information is often false or greatly exaggerated.
In a number of fact-checks postings from Facebook are presented, after which the adopted measures are followed up and misleading or outright propaganda information is identified and debunked.
Social Media Posts Mislead About Ukrainian Refugees' Services and Aid
Conclusion: AFP Proveri fulfills the requirement written in Article 2E.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
a) every factual statement to be justified, relying on primary sources where possible and
b) relevant evidence that appears to support the claim as well as relevant evidence that appears to undermine it to be provided.
Factual statements in fact-checking are detailed and thoroughly substantiated. This applies especially to publications in the fields of Health and Politics. For example, for the publication "CNN did not quote Viktor Orbán as saying that Boyko Borisov and Kiril Petkov received a bribe to send Bulgarian troops to Ukraine", AFP Proveri contacted the press office of the Hungarian Prime Minister. "The quote attributed to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is not from him. The content you refer to is indeed fake news," the International Communications Service responded in an email to AFP received on March 14, 2023. Additionally Bulgarian expert Nikola Tulechki also comments. [1]
Art. 2F also requires considering relevant evidence that appears to support the claim as well as relevant evidence that appears to undermine it. This requirement is also respected, for example in the publication "No, the Bulgarian government has not made a decision to send troops to Ukraine" - statements are given according to which there is a decision, as well as those according to which the government has not made a decision to send troops and the established facts are indicated. [2]
The same can be found in the publication "No, Bulgaria is not the only country in which no referendum was held". Contrary to the claims of the economist Sariyski, it is proved that there have never been referendums on membership in 11 EU Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus , France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. [3]
[1] "CNN did not quote Viktor Orbán as saying that Boyko Borisov and Kiril Petkov received a bribe to send Bulgarian troops to Ukraine"
[2] "No, the Bulgarian government has not made a decision to send troops to Ukraine"
[3] "No, Bulgaria is not the only country in which no referendum was held"
Conclusion: AFP Proveri fulfills the requirement written in Article 2F.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
The principle of "at least two sources" is respected in the work of AFP Proveri.
It is explicitly envisaged in the methodology available on the website: "We require at least two independent sources of information to verify the main claim in the fact-check article." [1]
Any post can illustrate this guiding principle.
For example, in the publication "The UN Charter does not allow Russia to invade Ukraine" it is said that the opinion of the following experts was sought to clarify the facts: Mira Kaneva, professor of international relations at Sofia University, Alexandra Novoselov, associate researcher in political science at the Thucydides Center of the University of Paris-Panthéon-Assas and specialist in the UN Security Council, Guillaume Devin, lecturer in political science at Sciences Po Paris, Mathias Forteau, lecturer in public law at the University of Paris Nanterre, who was elected for a member of the UN International Law Commission for the period 2023-2027. [2]
Another example is the publication "The EU's chief diplomat did not say that EU citizens who heat their homes above 17 degrees are committing a crime against European values" [3] Four sources were used again, one of which was the Borrell press service, the primary source of information.
Multiple sources have been used in all publications dealing with Covid-19 and vaccine use - typically AFP Proveri uses expert, institutional and primary sources, see for example "Posts Claiming WHO Has Decided Against Green Certificates Are Misleading" [4] There are references to primary WHO documents in the article: "
[2] "The UN Charter does not allow Russia to invade Ukraine"
[3} "The EU's chief diplomat did not say that EU citizens who heat their homes above 17 degrees are committing a crime against European values"
[4} "Posts Claiming WHO Has Decided Against Green Certificates Are Misleading"
Conclusion: AFP Proveri fulfills the requirement written in Article 2G.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
The AFP Proveri methodology explicitly states:
"We transparently show the steps we take in the rebuttal process by including links, embedded content, screenshots, photos, and archived evidence we used to reach our conclusion. Our goal is for readers to understand how the investigation was done and to be able to take the same steps themselves.
As a general rule, AFP does not use anonymous sources in fact-checking articles. This is possible only in exceptional cases when a source is at risk and the information provided by him is necessary for the refutation and is confirmed by other available sources. [1]
An example of a very carefully shown history of exposure step by step, using different methods and technologies, is the publication named "The Red Army monument in Vienna has been covered in paint many times" [2]
No practice of using anonymous sources is observed.
[2] "The Red Army monument in Vienna has been covered in paint many times"
Conclusion: AFP Proveri fulfills the requirement written in Article 2H.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
The AFP Proveri methodology explicitly states:
Our fact-checking articles are based on unbiased primary sources gathered by our journalists, including material from AFP archives and in collaboration with the agency's reporters around the world. We also interview experts and quote them, indicating who they work for, what their area of expertise is, and what conflicts of interest they may have. [1]
There is a particularly careful selection of authorities on health topics, as the Covid 19 pandemic raised new and unexplored questions on which there was no scientific consensus.
In this context, the responsibility of journalism is great, because the journalists must adhere as closely as possible to the scientifically proven facts. This is also characteristic of AFP Proveri if we refer to the fact-checks on the subject "Health".
In the article "It is misleading that the US planning "biological experiments" on Bulgarian soldiers" Terry L. Welch, Director of strategic communications at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) and Prof. Iva Hristova, director of the Bulgarian National Center for Infectious Diseases and Parasitic Diseases are invited to comment. [2] The level and expertise of the experts cannot be doubted.
The article "Green frog logo on some food products doesn't indicate they contain the herbicide atrazine," cites expert opinions from University of Berkeley biology professor Tyrone Hayes, in an email to AFP received on April 4, 2023, as well as e- Mr. Stoilko Apostolov, chairman of "Bioselena" - a Bulgarian foundation for the promotion of organic agriculture. [3] The experts in this field said that Hayes "may have had the greatest potential of anyone in the field." [4]
[2] "It is misleading that the US planning "biological experiments" on Bulgarian soldiers"
[3] "Green frog logo on some food products doesn't indicate they contain the herbicide atrazine,"
[4] A Valuable Reputation
Conclusion: AFP Proveri fulfills the requirement written in Article 2I.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
The AFP Proveri methodology explicitly states:
Our journalists liaise with regional editors throughout the fact-checking process. Editors discuss claims and proposed fact-checking articles with journalists, assess and explain what evidence will be needed, and edit the article before publication."
Conclusion: AFP Proveri fulfills the requirement written in Article 2J.
Best Practices:
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Article 3.1: Non-Partisanship and Impartiality
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP is a multi-lingual, multi-cultural news agency whose mission is to provide accurate, balanced and impartial coverage of news wherever and whenever it happens in the world on a continuous basis. As guaranteed by its founding statute, AFP speaks with an independent voice free from political, commercial or ideological influence. These commitments are reflected in AFP’s Charter and editorial standards.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP Proveri strictly follows the requirements for non-partisanship and fairness,
To the best of my knowledge - there are no facts and practices in violation of this standard.
Conclusion: Given all written policies and related facts AFP Proveri meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.B.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
This operation's partnerships are public and Code-compliant.
AFP Proveri strictly follows the requirements for non-partisanship and fairness,
Conclusion: Given all written policies and related facts AFP Proveri meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.C.
Date: 03/02/2023
These pages are also available in all our other languages.
Below are 10 fact-checks in French done during the French presidential and legislative elections in 2022. Our team has been fact-checking political representatives of all the French political spectrum for these elections, as listed below. We also produced a graph to show our coverage for each political party during the elections.
La quasi-totalité de la "délinquance de rue" imputable "aux immigrés" ou "issus de l'immigration" ? L'invérifiable affirmation de Marine Le Pen | Factuel (
Le chômage au plus haut ? La France en "récession" ? Les approximations de Jean-Luc Mélenchon | Factuel (
Non, les créations d'emplois durant le quinquennat d'Emmanuel Macron ne sont pas "du jamais vu dans l'économie française" | Factuel (
2 millions de voix qui "disparaissent" pour Marine Le Pen ? Une "erreur informatique" invoque France 2 | Factuel (
60 millions de réfugiés en Europe en raison des sanctions contre la Russie ? Attention à cette fausse déclaration attribuée à Emmanuel Macron | Factuel (
Présidentielle: bataille et querelles de chiffres autour de la baisse du chômage | Factuel (
Un usage record de pesticides sous le quinquennat Macron ? L'accusation infondée de Yannick Jadot | Factuel (
Non, l'arme nucléaire n'a pas permis à la France d'être membre permanent du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, comme l'affirme Fabien Roussel | Factuel (
Des sanctions pénales "plus faibles" dans les quartiers sensibles? L'affirmation douteuse de Valérie Pécresse | Factuel (
Les juifs français "protégés" par Pétain ? La thèse d'Eric Zemmour récusée par les historiens | Factuel (
Below are 13 fact-checks in Bulgarian that show our coverage of players and narratives from across the political spectrum. The fact-checks adhere to the same editorial and ethic
We have debunked disinformation targeting politicians from main political parties in Bulgaria. However, most of the stories related to Bulgarian politics were published in 2021, as there was a major political shift (new political players, presidential elections, etc.). For example, in July 2021, we debunked a doctored image of PM (at that time) Borissov, as well as a missing context post praising him. During the coronavirus pandemic, Borissov’s government was criticized by anti-vaxx groups because of the anti-Covid-19 measures, and we refuted false claims related to this narrative. At the same time we’ve published debunks exposing the ineffective vaccination policy of Borissov’s gov (here). Presidential elections took place in Bulgaria in 2021, and we’ve debunked false claims about two main candidates (here and here).
This story debunks claims on Kiril Petkov, one of Borissov’s main opponents who served as a PM from December 2021 to June 2022. In April 2022, we also debunked false claims targeting Petkov’s government policy toward Ukrainian refugees (here). In August 2022, we tackled claims targeting the former health minister from Borissov’s government.
Even though most of our stories after Feb 2022 were dedicated to false claims favouring Russia, we have debunked false claims about Russia before that.
This debunk targets unfounded claims on wildlife conservation organizations, and this one -- unfounded claims on the mining industry.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
1. In AFP's Methodology is explicitly written: We apply the same investigative approach and standards of evidence regardless of who has made the claim, and we do not focus on any one candidate, party or website.
2. Public opinion in Bulgaria is polarized on different issues, among which the central ones in recent years are: policy and measures against corruption, the measures against Covid 19 and the application of vaccines, the war in Ukraine. Political parties and leading political figures differ in their attitudes to the issues mentioned.
The operation points out 13 fact-checks in Bulgarian that show the coverage of players and narratives from across the political spectrum.
It is found that fact-checking has been applied in relation to the communities and political parties that are opposed on the above issues, for. ex. to the "parties of the status quo" (GERB) [1] and in relation to the "parties of change" (PP, Democratic Bulgaria) [2].
Presidential elections took place in Bulgaria in 2021, and the operation debunked false claims about two main candidates [1] [3]
There are posts for both the supporters of restrictions against Covid 19 [4] and the opponents of restrictions and vaccines [5].
Since February 2022, the main topic of the Bulgarian media has been the war in Ukraine and the attitude of the Bulgarian authorities towards it. There are fact-checks dedicated to false claims favouring Russia, but AFP Proveri has debunked false claims about Russia before that [6].
Another hot topic of the Bulgarian media is climate change, green policy, the European Green Deal. This debunk [7] targets unfounded claims on wildlife conservation organizations, and this one [8] - unfounded claims on the mining industry.
[1] Анастас Герджиков е призовал да се махне термина "турско робство" от учебниците?Anastas Gerdzhikov called to remove the term "Turkish slavery" from textbooks?
accessible here:
[2] Кирил Петков е излъгал за квалификацията си в интернет платформа?/Did Kiril Petkov lie about his qualifications on an internet platform?
accessible here:
[3] Това е къщата на Румен Радев във Виена? Is this Rumen Radev's house in Vienna?
[4] Твърденията на Атанас Мангъров за броя на починалите от Ковид са подвеждащи/ Atanas Mangerov's claims about the number of deaths from Covid are misleading
accessible here:
[5] Министерството на здравеопазването не наказва доктори, които не успяват да ваксинират пациентите си The Ministry of Health does not penalize doctors who fail to vaccinate their patients
accessible here:
[6] Съдът в Страсбург е признал правото на България да поиска 22 тона злато от Русия? Has the Strasbourg court recognized Bulgaria's right to demand 22 tons of gold from Russia?
accessible here:
[7} Информация във фейсбук за финансирани от ЕС природозащитни проекти е подвеждаща / Information on Facebook about EU-funded environmental projects is misleading
accessible here:
[8] Злато за 1.5 трилиона евро е било изнесено от България през 2018?Gold worth 1.5 trillion euros was exported from Bulgaria in 2018?
accessible here:
Conclusion: Given all related facts my conclusion is that AFP Proveri meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.D.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
The policy of the parent organization, the editorial standards and the facts (no information on violations of the standards) prove that AFP Proveri is in accordance with the requirement of Article 3.1.E.
To the best of my knowledge there are no such contracts.
Conclusion: Given all written policies and related facts AFP Proveri meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.E.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
The editorial standards explicitly require AFP journalists to declare any potential conflict of interest in their financial reporting to their bureau or service chief and to the regional editor. They should not cover companies in which they or their families invest directly or that they or their families own.
There are not such examples yet in original fact-checks in Bulgarian.
Conclusion: Given all written policies and related facts AFP Proveri meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.F.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
Impartiality is a leading principle in the journalism ethics.
AFP’s Editorial standards and best practices bar employees from partisanship generally and especially during elections: „Media coverage of elections is a fundamental element in the democratic process, and AFP journalists have a responsibility to provide impartial coverage and to give a voice to all candidates and political parties. Reporters should not allow their political opinions to influence their work.
Journalists should maintain a professional distance from the candidates whom they are covering and should not develop friendships. [...] Candidates must understand that we cover campaign events on merit and our presence does not guarantee coverage.“
Conclusion: Given all written policies and related facts AFP Proveri meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.G.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
The ethical standards link to AFP's Editorial standards and best practices document, envisaging as follows:
AFP journalists should not accept hospitality, gifts, travel, accommodation, tickets, entertainment or other benefits from their sources with the exception of items of nominal value. If it is unavoidable to do so in the pursuit of a story – an invitation to take a corporate
jet to visit a remote factory – the chief editor should be consulted on how to proceed (such as paying a contribution towards the costs). We never accept cash or any form of token or coupon with a monetary value. Any high value objects received as gifts should be declined
with a polite explanation that accepting them would contravene AFP company policy.
Occasional drinks, lunches or dinners with contacts are part and parcel of journalism, but we should invite rather than be invited. Contacts should never receive preferential treatment as a result of their hospitality, nor be led to expect it.
AFP journalists should never receive gifts or promotional material from contacts such as press services at their home address (except for freelancers who work from home).
Any materials such as technology items or cars loaned for test purposes should be returned within 72 hours. Long term, or indefinite, loans are prohibited. Review items, like books, compact discs or video games, may be kept but not sold.
AFP journalists involved in coverage or on other related official duty may accept complimentary tickets or media passes to events.
We do not pay sources for information, but depending on local customs and on special occasions we can give gifts to sources such as AFP souvenirs. We should keep them to items of a nominal value and never give cash.
Conclusion: Given all written documents, standards and related facts my conclusion is that AFP Proveri meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.H.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
As guaranteed by its founding statute [1] AFP speaks with an independent voice free from political, commercial or ideological influence.
These commitments are reflected in AFP’s Charter [2} and editorial standards [3].
[1] Modifié par LOI n°2015-433 du 17 avril 2015 - art. 15
accessible here:
[2] AFP Charter
accessible here:
[3] Editorial standards and Ethics
accessible here:
Conclusion: Given all written documents, standards and related facts my conclusion is that AFP Proveri meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.I.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the requirement of Art. 3.1.I.
Article 3.2: Privacy and Safety
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
In order to assess the fulfillment of this requirement, two types of sources were used:
the statutory requirements in the AFP rules and, secondly, the implementation of the rules in the Bulgarian language articles.
The AFP Fact-Checking Stylebook provides editorial guidance on fact-checking at Agence France-Presse. The Stylebook explicitly envisages that as a news agency AFP has a duty of care to the people covered, to minimize harm to them and by extension their families. In some circumstances the measures may include blurring the faces or withholding the identity of people featured in a false post if they are wrongly being accused or being held up to ridicule. The rules are mandatory for AFP Proveri. [1]
The practice of AFP Proveri testifies to strict compliance with the requirements for minimizing harm. So for example in an article dated March 31, 2022, entitled "This video is out of date, shows captured Ukrainian soldiers in Donetsk in 2015." as the person in the photos/videos was a prisoner of war, AFP Proveri blurred his face to comply with the Geneva Convention (III) on Prisoners of War, 1949. In another article from 6 June 2022 titled “False claims that photos show the Texas mass murderer are being shared on social media” the operation blurred the faces of people in photos shared with the claim that they show the Uvalde presumed shooter.
As regards the identity of subjects of an investigation when there is a reasonable concern for their safety, the GDPR provisions have been implemented.
[1] AFP Fact-Checking Stylebook
[2] "This video is out of date, shows captured Ukrainian soldiers in Donetsk in 2015."
[3] “False claims that photos show the Texas mass murderer are being shared on social media”
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Art. 3.2. А.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
In these cases, the principle is that the focus of the publication is not on the identity of the people when it is not relevant to the investigation.The text of the fact-check usually does not name such users or highlight their identity in any other way. When the misinformation was spread by a public figure or the source is important to telling the story of the spread of the misinformation, we will name the source and include relevant context and explanations in the fact check.
[2] "CNN did not quote Viktor Orbán as saying that Boyko Borisov and Kiril Petkov were bribed to send Bulgarian troops to Ukraine"
[3] "Beware of social media posts sharing photos from Kiev with misleading claims about the war in Ukraine,"
Date: 03/02/2023
Here is an example of a French fact-check on taxes and bank transactions, including pictures of credit cards and invoices which all hide personal information.
In this Bulgarian story we blurred personal data (personal ID number, date of birth) in documents that we received from a public register in Bulgaria.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
The GDPR provisions have been strictly implemented by AFP Proveri.
As an example could be given the publication titled "The dismissed executive director of the National Revenue Agency, Galya Dimitrova, is not married to the leader of KNSB (the largest trade union organization in Bulgaria)". The conclusion here is that Plamen Dimitrov and Galya Dimitrova are not married, according to a reference in the official public registers that Proveri.AFP made. In the screenshots of the documents, included in the fact check, the personal data, except for the names, are blurred. [1]
[1] "The dismissed executive director of the National Revenue Agency, Galya Dimitrova, is not married to the leader of KNSB (the largest trade union organization in Bulgaria)"
Date: 03/02/2023
Here is an example of a French fact-check on taxes and bank transactions, including pictures of credit cards and invoices which all hide personal information.
In this Bulgarian story we blurred personal data (personal ID number, date of birth) in documents that we received from a public register in Bulgaria.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
The GDPR provisions have been strictly implemented by AFP Proveri.
As an example could be given the publication titled "The dismissed executive director of the National Revenue Agency, Galya Dimitrova, is not married to the leader of KNSB (the largest trade union organization in Bulgaria)". The conclusion here is that Plamen Dimitrov and Galya Dimitrova are not married, according to a reference in the official public registers that Proveri.AFP made. In the screenshots of the documents, included in the fact check, the personal data, except for the names, are blurred. [1]
[1] "The dismissed executive director of the National Revenue Agency, Galya Dimitrova, is not married to the leader of KNSB (the largest trade union organization in Bulgaria)"
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
There is a specific section in the standards, devoted to the right of reply:
When complaints are made about our coverage we should deal with them politely, calmly and promptly, including when we feel the complaint is unjustified. When a complaint is justified we can correct a factual error or offer to quote the aggrieved party in a fresh story --
which does not preclude us from returning to the original source of the story for further comment.
In the case of complaints that touch on potential legal issues, such as libel or breach of law, we should (a) ask the person to submit the complaint in writing and (b) refer the matter to the management for handling by AFP’s legal department.
We must not enter into correspondence with the person concerned beyond acknowledging receipt of their complaint and saying that it has been transferred to the relevant department.
Anything we write or say, however well intentioned, can be used in future legal action against the Agency." [3]
Best Practices
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 03/02/2023
Date: 03/02/2023
Article 3.3: Honest corrections
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
The implementation of this standard in Art. 3.3. Honest corrections can generally be assessed on the basis of the written rules for AFP and AFP Fact Check and the practices for making corrections. Article 3.3.A deals with corrections of non-essential errors, when a correction note is not needed.
Date: 03/02/2023
AFP Proveri has a Facebook Page, but as we only corrected minor errors that did not affect the claim, we never had to highlight this on our Bulgarian social channel.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
When the mistake is significant, the correction should be made in the same format and channel as the original so that as far as possible users of the original see the correction and the corrected version.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Art. 3.3. С.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
This is happening mainly when the fact-checkers are reflecting and analyzing more dynamic processes or when the are obtaining new evidences.
A publication on the military action in Ukraine has been supplemented with new sources on the origin of the false statements and this is expressly noted in the same publication. [1]
[1] Ukraine's borders are internationally recognized and do not need to be "registered" in the UN
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Art. 3.3. D.
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
The corrections policy is visible and easily accessible on the webpage of AFP Proveri. On the same page a list of correcions and hyperlinks to them are published.
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Art. 3.3. E.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP's fact-checking teams check only facts, not opinions or beliefs, on subjects of public interest.[2]
Correction requests are analyzed by fact checkers in consultation with their regional editors. Requests that are unfounded, abusive, threatening or clearly coordinated spam are not answered.[3]
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
Best Practices:
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as best practices that are encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 03/02/2023
Date: 03/02/2023
Article 4.1: Organisational transparency
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
1. Organizational profile and structure
AFP Proveri is distinct Bulgarian section of the French press agency AFP (Agence France- Presse). [1]
Agence France-Presse (AFP) is a global news agency, delivering fast, accurate, in-depth coverage of the events shaping our world from wars and conflicts to politics, sports, entertainment and the latest breakthroughs in health, science and technology. With 2,900 staff and stringers of 80 nationalities, spread across 165 countries, AFP covers the world 24 hours a day in six languages, delivering the news in video, text, pictures, multimedia and graphics. AFP produces roughly 5.000 text dispatches, 3.000 photos, 100 graphics and 200 videos per day in six languages (French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic). AFP’s photo database contains more than 30 million pictures, according the information provided by AFP in LinkedIn. [2]
AFP's editorial policy is led by Global News Director Phil Chetwynd, News Editor-in-Chief Sophie Huet-Truffem and Deputy News Editor-in-Chief Richard Carter.
Fact-checking at AFP is overseen by the chief editors of digital investigation based at the agency's headquarters in Paris, with regional editors in Beirut, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Montevideo and Washington D.C.. They include:
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in Art. 4.1.A
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 06/05/2023
Given this incompleteness, option "need more information" has been chosen.
Needs more info
Date: 20/06/2023
Hence, AFP has no shareholders nor share capital. It is an autonomous entity; however it is a legal sui generis entity subject to French legislation on privately owned companies
AFP has a board of Directors (eventhough they are no shareholders), composed of representatives of the French press, members appointed by various government ministers, representatives of AFP staff, board members appointed by a Higher Council.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 21/06/2023
After this explicit statement I accept that information on legal status and ownership is in compliance with Art. 4.1.A.
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in Art. 4.1.A
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 21/06/2023
After this explicit statement I accept that information on legal status and ownership is in compliance with Art. 4.1.A.
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in Art. 4.1.A
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP Proveri is one of sections in AFP Fact Check, unit in the organizational structure of the French press agency AFP (Agence France- Presse).
The information on governance of the parent organization AFP is law-based and public. [1]
As detailed in the AFP's Articles of Incorporation:
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 06/05/2023
Art. 4.1.D. requires provision of proof of the ownership, legal status and governance of the organization.
There is no information on ownership available, see also 4.1.B -
Information on owners - the names of any people or companies who hold more than 5 percent of the organization’s shares - is not available.
Given this incompleteness, option "need more information" has been chosen.
Needs more info
Date: 20/06/2023
Hence, AFP has no shareholders nor share capital. It is an autonomous entity; however it is a legal sui generis entity subject to French legislation on privately owned companies
AFP has a board of Directors (eventhough they are no shareholders), composed of representatives of the French press, members appointed by various government ministers, representatives of AFP staff, board members appointed by a Higher Council.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 21/06/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 21/06/2023
After this explicit statement I accept that information on legal status and ownership is in compliance with Art. 4.1.D.
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in Art. 4.1.D
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 06/05/2023
For legal status see 4.1.B
For governance see 4.1.C
There is no information on ownership available.
Needs more info
Date: 20/06/2023
Hence, AFP has no shareholders nor share capital. It is an autonomous entity; however it is a legal sui generis entity subject to French legislation on privately owned companies
AFP has a board of Directors (eventhough they are no shareholders), composed of representatives of the French press, members appointed by various government ministers, representatives of AFP staff, board members appointed by a Higher Council.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 21/06/2023
After this explicit statement I accept that information on legal status and ownership is in compliance with Art. 4.1.A.
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in Art. 4.1.D
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP Proveri is one of sections in AFP Fact Check, unit in the organizational structure of the French press agency AFP (Agence France- Presse).
The information on governance of the parent organization AFP is law-based and public. [1]
As detailed in the AFP's Articles of Incorporation:
Date: 03/02/2023
These pages are also available in all our other languages.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
There is a presentation of editorial leadership in AFP Fact Check on the website of AFP Proveri.
Fact-checking at AFP is overseen by editors-in-chief of digital investigations based at the agency's headquarters in Paris, and by regional editors in Beirut, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Montevideo and Washington. Editors-in-chief, deputy editors-in-chief and regional managers are indicated by name, and the information is renewed and updated. [1]
There is one journalist in charge of fact checking activities in Bulgarian - Rossen Bossev, Bulgarian, prominent Bulgarian journalist. His name is explicitly indicated on page "Meet the team". [2]
In addition, the journalists liaise with regional editors throughout the fact-checking process. Editors discuss claims and proposed fact-checking articles with journalists, assess and explain what evidence will be needed, and in some cases edit the article before publication.[3]
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.1. E
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP Proveri is a section of AFP Fact Check, dealing with content in Bulgarian language. On the page "Meet the team" all members of the team are presented.
Rossen Bossev is a reporter, prominent Bulgarian journaist. He monitors disinformation in Bulgaria as a member of the team od AFP Fact Check.
Before joining AFP in 2021, for 15 years he worked as a journalist for the weekly Capital, covering the judiciary and human rights.
Rossen Bossev is an investigative journalist with many critical materials and publications. He is very active in training aimed to provide media professionals and content creators with the knowledge and tools required to use data for evidence-based reporting.
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.1. F
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP Proveri has published information on its mission, values [1] and ethical standards [2].
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.1. G
Date: 03/02/2023
This page is available in all languages.
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP Proveri provides access to the AFP’s founding statute [1], the AFP's Charter [2} the Editorial and Ethical Rules [3] and Fact Checking Stylebook [4]
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.1. H
Article 4.2: Financial transparency and conflicts of interest
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), organisations or parent organisations must:
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP provided a list of all income sources contributing 1% or 5.000 euros (whichever the higher)- respectively nine public and private entities:
Etat - Ministère de la Culture
Radio France
Groupe TF1
Jiji Press
France TV
France Médias Monde
The provision does not require the external appraiser to be provided with information about the exact amount of contributions.
The legal basis of the income are various types of contracts for commercial activities, education and training, copyrights, etc.
For these reasons, I accept the implementation of Article 4.2.A.
List of sources, provided by the parent organization AFP
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.2. A
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP generates revenue from a mix of sources, such as media clients, online platforms and the French state.
a) French state funding. AFP has a financial contract with the French state that is divided between a commercial contract to supply AFP services to French government departments and missions abroad, and compensation for the cost of the Agency's mission of public interest. This is detailed in the 1957 statute that guarantees AFP’s independence from state or other influences.
c) European Union. Since 2021, AFP has been increasingly involved in collaborative projects between European media, researchers and other experts that are co-financed by the European Commission and other European institutions, to fight disinformation.
d) others - Google, Meta etc.
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.2. B
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
a) with regard to French state funding, the measures are detailed in the 1957 statute that guarantees AFP’s independence from state or other influences.
b) with regard to European Union, the contracts with the European Union include the right of the AFP not to consider either the information or the results of scientific research with the possible opinion of the funding agency.
c) with regard to media, platforms and other commercial entities - on the website is explicitly emphasized that "AFP exercises strict editorial independence when fulfilling the terms of all contracts."
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.2. C
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP does not have unpaid significant commitments and established mechanisms at work do not allow such a hypothesis.
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.2. D
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP Proveri does not publish sponsored content.
Conclusion: AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.2. E
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP Proveri does not have services or goods in this category, according to the attached information.
Conclusion AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.2. F
Date: 03/02/2023
Nelly Ognyanova (assessor)
Date: 06/05/2023
AFP Proveri does not have services or goods in this category, according to the attached information.
Conclusion AFP Proveri meets the criteria in the Chapter 4.2. F
Best Practices
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 03/02/2023