Membership in the EFCSN signifies an organisation’s rigorous commitment to provide accurate information ethically and transparently, without bias or prejudice and focus on matters in the public interest as well as a proven track record of excellence, integrity and accountability as definied in the European Code of Standards for Independent Fact-Checking Organisations.
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Medizin transparent
Please, answer the following questions:
Date: 29/12/2023
The goal of the Cochrane organization is to objectively appraise the evidence for medical treatments and thus present a basis for health decisions for health care workers, doctors and political shareholders. As a project by Cochrane Austria, Medizin transparent is similar, but aimed at a lay audience. It is dedicated to fact-checking health claims. Originally the focus was on claims in mass media. However this focus was extended to any health claims found on the internet or in advertisements and to common health myths.
Date: 29/12/2023
Date: 29/12/2023
Date: 29/12/2023
We set a goal of publishing 90 articles/fact checks per year. However, due to a lack of sufficient funding for 2024, we might not fully meet this goal.
Date: 29/12/2023
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 15/02/2024
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Date: 29/12/2023
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 15/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
- added remarks that we are unpolitical, do not endorse or advise the public to vote for any political parties or candidates for public office and that our choice of topics is not influenced by one side of the political spectrum: (since we do not fact check political topics, we did not explicitly have this aspect in our policies yet - however we have never endorsed something like that in the past or chosen topics according to a policital direction)
- On this page (subheading "Redaktionelle Unabhängigkeit", we state that no member of our fact checking team can be salaried by or can work for a state-run institution other than the University for Continuing Education Krems or a political party or organization:
- added a list of updated or corrected fact-checking articles:
Article 2.2: Methodology
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 29/12/2023
This page also links to our full length methods paper which can be directly assessed here as a PDF file:
Our rating system is explained in detail here:
Needs more info
Date: 10/03/2024
However, the organization DOES NOT provide a description of they find or choose claims for investigation. The website just states "Our research begins with a precisely defined question". The full methods paper also does not provide information on the process that guides which claims are being asses and which aren't. It is unclear how the organization identifies claims that could provide the basis of the described "precisely defined question".
Needs more info
Date: 10/03/2024
"The selection of topics for Medizin-transparent is based on inquiries from readers regarding widespread myths or claims from the media, the Internet or advertising. Even without a request, we take up a topic if it is widely discussed in the media and can therefore be assumed to be of great public interest. In addition, we research in lay media to find out whether widespread misunderstandings and gaps in knowledge exist and address these in our in our text."
I am, however, still missing some kind of a clear guideline/process here. Are all claims investigated that are sent in by readers? What exactly qualifies as "widely discussed in the media"? How are "widespread misunderstandings" identified? Furthermore, this information should already be addressed on the website methodology and not only in the methods paper.
Needs more info
Date: 12/03/2024
When selecting topics for our fact checks, we are guided by requests from website readers, from users on our social network channels, from medical or pharmaceutical healthcare professionals or from journalistic media. We also scan social networks, online, print and broadcast media for health claims at irregular intervals. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to process all inquiries and health claims found. We therefore select topics according to two principles:
Public interest: We select those health claims for which there are the most search queries in the Google search engine (being an indirect measure of public interest)
Risk of harm: We prioritize health claims that could cause a health or financial harm
The editorial team decides on the selection of fact check topics unanimously or, in controversial cases, by majority vote.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 15/02/2024
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 15/02/2024
In the fact checks I read, it was not made clear who made the claim so I couldn't check if the organization treats all originators of claims equally. However, this has to do with that the organization often checks "common places" and general assumptions that are circulating in the population. Thus, there is often simply not a certain actor making a claim.
To sum up, it is difficult to apply this criterion to this specific organization but I chose to evaluate it with "need more information" since I would like to hear the organization's thoughts thereon.
Needs more info
Date: 12/03/2024
Often, our fact checks address esoteric or "alternative medicine" topics. We take special care to write about these topics as objectively as possible and to take potential fans of these methods as seriously as possible in their wish to find a remedy for their health problem. At the same time, we point out clearly when an esoteric or alternative medicine health claim is scientifically implausible.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 22/03/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 15/02/2024
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We make it clear that we will fact-check claims made in the media, on the Internet, or in advertising that are, in principle, verifiable by scientific studies.
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 15/02/2024
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Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 18/02/2024
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Melanie Magin (assessor)
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Date: 18/02/2024
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Date: 12/03/2024
here is the translation of the added sentence:
All statements on scientific facts or judgements are complemented with references to scientific studies in square brackets, which can be retraced via a web link or a detailed bibliography at the end of the text.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 22/03/2024
Date: 10/03/2024
The organization fact-checks medical/health claims on the basis of a review of scientific studies on the topic. In such cases in - also as the organization describes - might actually be more purposeful to look at so-called review articles that can either provide new "primary evidence" (e.g., meta analyses) or solely provide "secondary evidence" (e.g., scoping review of several individual studies). Overall this methodology, however, makes sense and is being followed in the organization's fact-checks.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 18/02/2024
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 18/02/2024
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Date: 10/03/2024
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Date: 12/03/2024
No claim will be judged on the basis of other sources, such as expert opinions etc. If we do reference an expert opinion or a media article, we make this very clear in our texts - and we point out that the referenced statements are not more than speculations or anecdotes and not backed by scientific data/studies.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 18/02/2024
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 18/02/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 18/02/2024
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 18/02/2024
Best Practices:
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Article 3.1: Non-Partisanship and Impartiality
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 29/12/2023
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 18/02/2024
I did not find any evidence of partisanship and partiality in any of the fact-checks I read.
Date: 29/12/2023
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 18/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 18/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
10 Fact-checks showing that we do "not focus investigations unduly on one particular political party or side of the political spectrum“
Preamble: Since Medizin transparent is fact-checking health claims and not political misinformation/claims, few of our articles have direct political relevance. Therefore, section 3.1.D. does often not apply to our work. For some topics however, there might still remain some influence by publicly funded organizations within the health care system. For the following topics, we try to elucidate how we think we have avoided focusing on one side for controversial topics.
1) Molnupiravir bei Covid-19: Kaum Schutz vor schwerer Erkrankung?
2) Ivermectin gegen Corona: Studien zufolge wohl wirkungslos
3) Rotlicht bei Wunden: Nutzen unklar
4) Amalgam: Zahnfüllung schädlich oder nicht?
5) Zahnpasta mit Fluorid: eher unbedenklich
6) Misteltherapie bei Krebs fragwürdig
7) CBD für besseren Schlaf? Wirkbelege fehlen
8) Vitamin D: wahrscheinlich kein Schutz vor Corona
9) Mundspülung Linola sept: Corona-Schutz nicht plausibel
10) Viruprotect: Unwirksamer Erkältungsspray gegen Viren
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 18/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 18/02/2024
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We do not cite experts, since our fact-checking articles are based on publicly available scientific research data only. However, we indicate if study authors have conflicts of interest or if a study has been funded by the industry or a political party.
On our teams page, we clarify whether our team members have any conflicts of interest:
As an example, we clarified that our freelance team member Iris Hinneburg was paid by an independent fund in 2022 for some fact checks on Covid vaccines for children. This is clearly stated both on the teams page under her name as well as at the bottom of her fact checking articles, e.g.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
In our methods paper, section "5.4 Sicherstellung von Objektivität und Qualität" makes clear that all investigation/research steps are always documented in a standardized way. This documentation is always cross-checked by other team members, as stated in section "5.4.1 Interne Qualitätskontrolle" in our methods paper. Should any doubt arise concerning the objectivity of a fact check, this documentation can be accessed by all team members as well as by other employees of our university department. Also each fact checking article is cross-checked again before publication - also for objectivity - by at least one team member before it is published online.
The published version of each fact check contains the names of its main author and those team members that crosschecked the article and the scientific evidence behind it. This will ensure that no article is published that does not comply with our objectivity policies. No article is published that has not been crosschecked by at least another of our 4 editorial team members employed by the university.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
Since Medizin transparent is a project of the Austrian branch of the Cochrane Organization (see section "Redaktionelle Unabhängigkeit" here: our team members are not allowed to have conflicts of interest. This is also clarified here in detail for Cochrane International, of which the Austrian Branch is a member:
Medizin transparent team members are employees of the Department for evidence based medicine of the University for Continuing Education Krems and as such also part of the Austrian Branch of the Cochrane organization. Accepting gifts or favors would be a breach of the department's rules. If there is a breach of such rules, the head of deparment Prof. Gerald Gartlehner will decide on disciplinary matters that include the possible termination of the work contract with the department and the university. Prof. Gerald Gartlehner - as well as any other employee of our university deparment - has full access to all our documentation behind our fact checking articles, should any concerns arise. This ensures a large degree of internal transparency and will make it unlikely that our fact checks could be influenced in an unobjective way without being noticed.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
As described before, in our methods paper, section "5.4 Sicherstellung von Objektivität und Qualität" makes clear that all investigation/research steps are always documented in a standardized way. This documentation is always cross-checked by other team members, as stated in section "5.4.1 Interne Qualitätskontrolle" in our methods paper. Should any doubt arise concerning the objectivity of a fact check, this documentation can be accessed by all team members as well as by other employees of our university department - including head of department Prof. Gerald Gartlehner. Also each fact checking article is cross-checked again - also for objectivity - by at least one team member before it is published online.
The published version of each fact check contains the names of its main author and those team members that crosschecked the article and the scientific evidence behind it. This will ensure that no article is published that does not comply with our objectivity policies. No article is published that has not been crosschecked by at least another of our 4 editorial team members employed by the university.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Article 3.2: Privacy and Safety
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 29/12/2023
Melanie Magin (assessor)
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Melanie Magin (assessor)
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Melanie Magin (assessor)
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Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
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However, before writing a fact check about a company's product, we always contact this company in advance to prevent the need for correcting a published fact-checking article.
We have already been sued by 2 companies because of our fact checks - however without success, as we could prove in court that our fact checking articles about the companies' products were not incorrect:
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Best Practices
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 29/12/2023
Date: 29/12/2023
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Date: 10/03/2024
Needs more info
Date: 12/03/2024
Apart from legal support, the university also offers psychological coaching for employees in need, and the head of our department will support us should we be harrassed in any way. (Luckily, even during Covid times we have never been exposed to serious harassment.)
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Article 3.3: Honest corrections
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 29/12/2023
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Non Compliant
Date: 19/02/2024
Non Compliant
Date: 19/03/2024
If an error cannot be directly corrected afterwards, we will publish a correction in the same format and on the same channel as the original version. This applies to social media postings, for example.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 22/03/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Non Compliant
Date: 19/02/2024
Non Compliant
Date: 19/03/2024
If an error cannot be directly corrected afterwards, we will publish a correction in the same format and on the same channel as the original version. This applies to social media postings, for example.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 22/03/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
When updating fact-checking articles (because there is new evidence for or against the effectiveness of a treatment, diagnostic method,...) we delete the old fact check (since it is outdated) but clearly mention the change of conclusion below the article. E.g. here: - see section "Versionsgeschichte" at the bottom of the article. Also, we update the date of the article to make clear that we considered the latest evidence up to this date.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
When updating fact-checking articles (because there is new evidence for or against the effectiveness of a treatment, diagnostic method,...) we delete the old fact check (since it is outdated) but clearly mention the change of conclusion below the article. E.g. here: - see section "Versionsgeschichte" at the bottom of the article. Also, we update the date of the article to make clear that we considered the latest evidence up to this date.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
On this page is also a link to our list of updated or corrected fact-checking-articles, which can be accessed directly here:
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Date: 10/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Best Practices:
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as best practices that are encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 29/12/2023
Date: 29/12/2023
Article 4.1: Organisational transparency
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 29/12/2023
Our team page lists me as editor in chief and my other team members
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
In our imprint, there is a link to the imprint of the University for Continuing Education Krems with detailed information on the university's legal status, tax number and ownership etc.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
On this page we explain that content is always checked by at least one other team member. There is no hierarchical structure. However, I (Bernd Kerschner) as chief editor make sure that all fact checks follow our guidelines outlined in our methods paper. Our team page shows that I am chief editor (Redaktionsleiter).
Our imprint states that Medizin transparent is a project by the Department for Evidence-based medicine at the University for Continuing Education Krems and by Cochrane Austria.
The head of our university deparment is Prof. Gerald Gartlehner, who is also director of Cochrane Austria. It is therefore him who has the final word on decisions regarding Medizin transparent.
The imprint of Cochrane Austria states that Cochrane Austria is located at our university department.
Cochrane Austria is part of Cochrane, which governance is described on its website:
The imprint of the University for Continuing Edcuation Krems describes these details for the university.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 19/02/2024
Please note that the list of team members under one of these links (Fachbereich Medizin Transparent - Department für Evidenzbasierte Medizin und Evaluation - Universität für Weiterbildung Krems ( is not updated. Therefore, I chose to select "need more information" to give the applicant the opportunity to update this page.
Needs more info
Date: 13/03/2024
Please note that Iris Hinneburg is an external member of our team and not a university employee. Therefore, she is not shown on the university page (we cannot add her, since she is not in the IT system of the university homepage)
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 22/03/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 12/03/2024
Needs more info
Date: 19/03/2024
The reason why we do not add CVs of former team members is that we are not in contact with most of them anymore... I hope this does not pose a problem... We have CVs for all authors of newer fact checking articles, however!
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 22/03/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 19/02/2024
Moreover, as mentioned above, the list of team members under the following link to the university's website is not updated: Fachbereich Medizin Transparent - Department für Evidenzbasierte Medizin und Evaluation - Universität für Weiterbildung Krems (
Needs more info
Date: 12/03/2024
Needs more info
Date: 13/03/2024
Please note that Iris Hinneburg is an external member of our team and not a university employee. Therefore, she is not shown on the university page (we cannot add her, since she is not in the IT system of the university homepage)
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 22/03/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
The rules and statues of Cochrane are stated here:
Since Medizin transparent is a project run by the Austrian branch of Cochrane, Medizin transparent must comply with these policies.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Article 4.2: Financial transparency and conflicts of interest
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), organisations or parent organisations must:
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Date: 29/12/2023
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 19/02/2024
I would like to ask the applicant to comment on that and, if necessary, provide the link to the respective information regarding Cochrane which in this case also should be included on the applicant's website.
Needs more info
Date: 12/03/2024
The respective paragraph translates to:
Cochrane Austria is funded by a grant from the Lower Austrian Health and Social Fund (NÖGUS) and with support from the University for Continuing Education Krems.
Cochrane is registered and incorporated as a charity in England. The profit from the Cochrane Library is used for administrative costs and central projects such as the development of the Cochrane websites. The individual Cochrane sub-units and groups must seek their own funding, which must not come from commercial sources. This ensures Cochrane's neutrality and avoids conflicts of interest.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 22/03/2024
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Melanie Magin (assessor)
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Melanie Magin (assessor)
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Also, is completely free from advertising, as we clearly state in our imprint.
Melanie Magin (assessor)
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Melanie Magin (assessor)
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Melanie Magin (assessor)
Date: 19/02/2024
Best Practices
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
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