Membership in the EFCSN signifies an organisation’s rigorous commitment to provide accurate information ethically and transparently, without bias or prejudice and focus on matters in the public interest as well as a proven track record of excellence, integrity and accountability as definied in the European Code of Standards for Independent Fact-Checking Organisations.
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EFE Verifica
Please, answer the following questions:
Date: 10/01/2023
On 8 March 2019, it launched its fact-checking service in response to the rise of misinformation.
EFE Verifica offers useful information in the face of falsehoods circulating on the Internet in Spanish, whether through news, videos, photos or statements.
We want to help improve citizens' knowledge and understanding of society so that they can contribute to public debate and make informed decisions.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
Sergio Hernández, head of EFE Verifica, and three fact-checkers — Elizabeth López, Jorge Ocaña and Beatriz Naya — work in Madrid.
Ares Biescas, based in Bogotá, is the coordinator of EFE Verifica in Latin America, a team that also includes fact-checkers Daniela Gastón, also based in Bogota, and María Julia Castañeda, in Mexico.
Find out more about the EFE Verifica team here.
EFE Verifica also benefits from the contributions of the agency's editorial staff, which includes specialists in politics, economics, international relations, science, technology, health and culture, as well as an international network of 2,000 journalists around the world.
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 20/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
Likewise, through its membership in Iberifier, a misinformation and disinformation observatory in Spain and Portugal that depends on EDMO, EFE Verifica plays an active role in the analysis of mis- and disinformation in these two countries, as well as in the media literacy of society.
This study of disinformation is also carried out in the Forum against Disinformation Campaigns in the Field of National Security, set up by the Spanish government, which brings together members of the public administration and representatives of civil society to study falsehoods promoted in an organised way, an initiative that follows the recommendations of the European Union.
As part of the training activities promoted by Agencia EFE, EFE Verifica offers paid courses to train fact-checking professionals.
In addition, EFE Verifica is working with the Microsoft Democracy Forward Initiative to identify emerging disinformation narratives and study the channels used to disseminate them in Latin America.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
To be more effective in the fight against misinformation and disinformation, we want to deepen our preventive work with contributions to databases and repositories, as well as the analysis of disinformation ecosystems (actors, channels and types of messages).
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 01/12/2023
-What are the specific goals for team growth in Europe in 2024?
-How many more debunking articles per week do you expect to publish by 2024 as compared to 2023?
-Please, clarify the meaning of "media literacy pieces of training".
-Could you provide examples of specific databases and repositories where do you expect to collaborate with?
Date: 10/01/2025
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 01/12/2023
For example, indicate what percentage of your fact-checking operation deals with issues in Spain, other European countries and Latin America?
Date: 10/01/2023
Date: 18/10/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 20/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
We have added to our methodology a right of reply to any named person or organisation that is the source of the inaccurate claim and/or is the subject of significant criticism or allegations.
We have added the possibility of offering an independent review of a complaint if the subject of an article is not satisfied after an internal complaints process has been followed.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Article 2.2: Methodology
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Regarding the tagging, they also explicitly mention that they don't use it and explain why.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 21/12/2023
This verification is about a false claim against the Spanish Primer minister:
While in this one,, the false claim is against the right party VOX leader.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
I have checked a sample of factchecks by the aplicant to ensure that claims from different sources, political sides and ideologies are examined with the same rigour and methodology.
Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Besides that its webpage offers a long list of subject covering a broad spectrum of issues as health (as this one about vaccines, economy (as this false claim against IFM president (, education (as this false claim against a Spanish Ministry ( or environmental issues (as this false claim linking helicopters and fires:
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
On the other hand, we campaign on social networks providing our users with the phone number of our WhatsApp:
We also launched a podcast, the main purpose of which is to promote our WhatsApp channel and encourage listeners to send us their questions on the WhatsApp channel. We promote each episode of the podcast in a dedicated section of the website with articles that can also be seen on the front page.
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Their WhatsApp channel.
The form and the contac page in its website.
The podcast that promotes users' initiative for sending requests...
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
In this other piece of content it is also possible to follow the whole process as links are provided as well as the explanation. Again, a list of references is offered at the end.
This content is about a false claim regarding the Qatar World Cup and it is again possible to follow the whole process:
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
In this other content,, about cryptocurrency there are also links to statements to confirm the process: as this paragraph including a link to a national institution relevant to the topic: "Según los requisitos de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores relativa a la publicidad sobre criptoactivos, los mensajes publicitarios de estas campañas tienen que incluir contenido claro, equilibrado, imparcial y no engañoso e información sobre los riesgos de manera destacada, algo que no ocurre con esta web."
This other piece about equal marriage also includes references and links to official institutions:
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
In this content, to answer a false claim against the Spanish Central Bank, the public profiles of the bank on social media are used:
In this content about the new president of Ecuador,, a false claim is contrasted using the original political program of the party.
In these two cases, one single source was used and it is ok.
In this one:, besides the link to the law in California, an expert -a Law professor, is quoted and a report from a research centered is also mentioned. Several sources to sustain the fact-check.
Also in this one,, some experts are interviewed and mentioned, as well as a public report that is conveniently mentioned. NASA and UE reports are also included as sources.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 22/12/2023
In this other case, experts and public documents are mentioned:
I have not found any piece where the source identity has not been published.
In any case, the methodology does not explain sufficiently how they are going to deal with this issue.
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 01/12/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Also here,, another is pretend and his credentials are well explained.
In this content about science,, two experts are consulted and both are properly introduced.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 01/12/2023
See for example:
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 07/12/2023
The verification is reviewed by at least two members of the EFE Verifica team and an editor from Agencia EFE.
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 07/12/2023
Best Practices:
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 07/12/2023
Article 3.1: Non-Partisanship and Impartiality
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 10/01/2023
The aforementioned Editorial Statute, which is "a mandatory rule for EFE employees" as itself prescribes, states:
"Agencia EFE is a public news agency, owned by society as a whole and regulated in accordance with the procedures of a democratic state governed by the rule of law. Freedom of expression and the right to truthful information are two inseparable realities in our legal and constitutional system and are the inalienable principles that inspire and commit the journalistic work of Agencia EFE.
EFE's mission is to provide a public service in the field of information. One of its tasks is to contribute to the effective exercise of the right of citizens to accurate, relevant, high-quality and reliable information that is not subject to particular interests, be they political, economic or any other".
It also adds:
"As a public information service, EFE does not have an ideological line, nor does it express its own opinions, but rather it transmits news, chronicles, reports and journalistic analyses, in whatever medium, based on the truth of the facts, the consultation of all sources, the rejection of any manipulation and the respect of the ethical principles that govern the protocol of obtaining and editing information. In particular, we accept the principles of professional journalistic ethics laid down by UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the International Federation of Journalists.
In order to contribute to guaranteeing the citizens' right to information, we wish to provide ourselves with the means to guarantee the effective exercise of freedom of expression and the independence of journalists in the professional performance of the public service entrusted to us. For this reason, the editorial staff, the Intercentres Committee and the management of Agencia EFE have agreed on this Editorial Statute, which aims to reconcile the exercise of maximum journalistic independence with the management and organisational needs of a modern international communications company. Both aspects, journalistic independence and professional management of the public service, guarantee the relevance of Agencia EFE and its usefulness to the citizens".
In point 4, it stipulates:
"Impartiality, accuracy, lack of bias and honesty are inescapable principles to achieve objective and rigorous information in any media".
Point 8 states:
"EFE rejects any pressure from institutions, political parties, economic, cultural, religious, social, ideological or other groups that seek to alter or influence information to benefit their interests. In the event of such pressure, journalists may report it to the Editorial Board or management".
Point 66 says:
"Management shall ensure scrupulous respect for the veracity of all information, reject any attempt to influence reporting or the direction of information, and facilitate the right of rectification when a news item is shown to be untrue".
Furthermore, point 69 clarifies:
"The management shall ensure that no commercial agreement or contract concluded with public or private bodies includes any consideration unrelated to the interest of the news".
The same document states that the Editorial Board "protects the journalists of Agencia EFE from possible external pressure or from the management, as well as persons and institutions that may be harmed by information from Agencia EFE that violates this Statute or the ethical principles of journalism".
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 07/12/2023
However, some would argue that the fact that the recent appointment of the former Government's secretary of communication as president of EFE news agency could undermine its editorial independence. Although there are no evidence of this political interference or lack of independence so far. However, we would need some more information on this issue.
Regarding EFE Verifica's funding:
It has been part of Meta's external verification programme in Spain since May 2020.
EFE Verifica also collaborates with the Microsoft Democracy Forward Initiative to identify emerging disinformation narratives and study the channels used to disseminate them in Latin America.
In addition, EFE is a content provider for the Microsoft Start internet portal, formerly called MSN (The MicroSoft Network).
The Agency also has an agreement with Google for advertising revenue from EFE's YouTube channel.
Could there be a conflict of interest regarding the coverage of Microsoft, META and Google by EFE Verifica as they get funding from these companies? Please, clarify this point.
Date: 10/01/2023
In addition, we recall some of the points made in the previous section we believe are also valid to illustrate our policy of not endorsing or advising the public to vote for any political party or candidate for public office:
This Editorial Statute states in its preamble:
"As a public information service, EFE does not have an ideological line, nor does it express its own opinions, but rather it transmits news, chronicles, reports and journalistic analyses, in whatever medium, based on the truth of the facts, the consultation of all sources, the rejection of any manipulation and the respect of the ethical principles that govern the protocol of obtaining and editing information. In particular, we accept the principles of professional journalistic ethics laid down by UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the International Federation of Journalists.
In point 4, it stipulates:
Moreover, in point 5 says:
"EFE journalists must present significant points of view, presenting facts in context, without deliberate omissions and with the appropriate words, without repercussions for their beliefs or ideologies, and act with diligence and dignified methods in the gathering and processing of information".
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
It is clear, and I think it should be noted, that as a public institution, the applicant has recently been in the middle of a political turmoil in Spain: the Government has chosen a new executive director, a journalist that has worked for the government during the last years. This has been rejected by the opposition but also by the journalists of the institution.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 07/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
"The management shall ensure that no commercial agreement or contract concluded with public or private bodies includes any consideration unrelated to the interest of the news".
Several points in the Editorial Statute also govern how EFE staff and management should behave in relation to commercial agreements and interests:
17. "EFE journalists may not accept gifts, money or compensation for the performance of their work. Exceptionally, as a courtesy, they may accept items whose value, as a guideline, does not exceed 30 euros. The materials provided for the preparation of information are not considered gifts".
18. "EFE journalists may not use for their own benefit equipment or other items that sources have loaned for their evaluation.
These must be returned within one week".
19. "Members of the editorial staff may not simultaneously work in advertising, public relations, press and image consultancy or similar activities".
20. "EFE journalists may not have direct investments or economic interests related to their field of work, nor may they benefit from privileged information".
21. "Those involved in EFE's news operations may not produce news that directly or indirectly affects their private interests or those of their relatives up to the second degree".
70. "While the delegates simultaneously carry out informative and commercial tasks, the management shall prevent commercial interests from taking precedence over news reporting".
With regard to ideological independence or the interests of political parties, we refer to the rules already mentioned in the sections "What is EFE Verifica?" and "Methodology" of our website, as well as the points refered in the Editorial Statute.
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
I also checked in the available information in the web and found no evidence of any agreement or partnership of EFE Verifica with a political party or any other public relations and similar activities.
Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
The list of works provided, as well as other I have gone through, show that they comply with the standard.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 07/12/2023
They tend to provide a balanced factchecking, as it is outlined in their methodology. I have not detected any speficic political or ideological bias in the fact-checks they provide in the sample.
Date: 10/01/2023
Thus, among the obligations of its journalists, EFE's Editorial Statute states in point 4:
"Impartiality, accuracy, lack of bias and honesty are inescapable principles to achieve objective and rigorous information in any media".
Point 8 expresses:
"EFE rejects any pressure from institutions, political parties, economic, cultural, religious, social, ideological or other groups that seek to alter or influence information to benefit their interests. In the event of such pressure, journalists may report it to the Editorial Board or management".
Earlier, in its preamble, this statute declares:
“EFE's mission is to provide a public service in the field of information. One of its tasks is to contribute to the effective exercise of the right of citizens to accurate, relevant, high-quality and reliable information that is not subject to particular interests, be they political, economic or any other".
It also adds:
"As a public information service, EFE does not have an ideological line, nor does it express its own opinions, but rather it transmits news, chronicles, reports and journalistic analyses, in whatever medium, based on the truth of the facts, the consultation of all sources, the rejection of any manipulation and the respect of the ethical principles that govern the protocol of obtaining and editing information. In particular, we accept the principles of professional journalistic ethics laid down by UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the International Federation of Journalists".
We also recall in our "Methodology" section that "we work with due impartiality and independence, principles that are the basis for offering a public information service and are protected by the Editorial Statute and the Editorial Board of EFE".
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
In any case, it should be noted that the profile info is presented in a confusing way: the list of names is properly offered, but the short bios (no photos) are presented in a confusing way with other content. Perhaps this could be clarified.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
The EFE Editorial Statute also states in point 5:
"Impartiality, accuracy, lack of bias and honesty are inescapable principles to achieve objective and rigorous information in any media".
Point 8 says:
"EFE rejects any pressure from institutions, political parties, economic, cultural, religious, social, ideological or other groups that seek to alter or influence information to benefit their interests. In the event of such pressure, journalists may report it to the Editorial Board or management".
Earlier, in its preamble, this statute declares:
“EFE's mission is to provide a public service in the field of information. One of its tasks is to contribute to the effective exercise of the right of citizens to accurate, relevant, high-quality and reliable information that is not subject to particular interests, be they political, economic or any other".
It also adds:
"As a public information service, EFE does not have an ideological line, nor does it express its own opinions, but rather it transmits news, chronicles, reports and journalistic analyses, in whatever medium, based on the truth of the facts, the consultation of all sources, the rejection of any manipulation and the respect of the ethical principles that govern the protocol of obtaining and editing information. In particular, we accept the principles of professional journalistic ethics laid down by UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the International Federation of Journalists.
In order to contribute to guaranteeing the citizens' right to information, we wish to provide ourselves with the means to guarantee the effective exercise of freedom of expression and the independence of journalists in the professional performance of the public service entrusted to us. For this reason, the editorial staff, the Intercentres Committee and the management of Agencia EFE have agreed on this Editorial Statute, which aims to reconcile the exercise of maximum journalistic independence with the management and organisational needs of a modern international communications company. Both aspects, journalistic independence and professional management of the public service, guarantee the relevance of Agencia EFE and its usefulness to the citizens".
Other points in the Editorial Statute also govern how EFE staff and management should behave in relation to commercial agreements and interests:
17. "EFE journalists may not accept gifts, money or compensation for the performance of their work. Exceptionally, as a courtesy, they may accept items whose value, as a guideline, does not exceed 30 euros. The materials provided for the preparation of information are not considered gifts".
18. "EFE journalists may not use for their own benefit equipment or other items that sources have loaned for their evaluation.
These must be returned within one week".
19. "Members of the editorial staff may not simultaneously work in advertising, public relations, press and image consultancy or similar activities".
20. "EFE journalists may not have direct investments or economic interests related to their field of work, nor may they benefit from privileged information".
21. "Those involved in EFE's news operations may not produce news that directly or indirectly affects their private interests or those of their relatives up to the second degree".
70. "While the delegates simultaneously carry out informative and commercial tasks, the management shall prevent commercial interests from taking precedence over news reporting".
We have not had any such cases and therefore cannot provide the example requested.
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
The applicant duly notes that it is part of the META verification program and how this work it is properly explained.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
EFE Verifica is part of the Digital Content Division of EFE, an international, multilingual and multimedia news agency with a worldwide network of journalists.
EFE, a leading Spanish-language news agency, has always had as its raison d'être to tell the facts as they are.
This is enshrined in its Editorial Statute, which is overseen by an autonomous Editorial Board.
As stated in the aforementioned Editorial Statute, a mandatory rule for the agency's employees, EFE is a public news service, owned by society as a whole, which contributes to the effective exercise of the citizen's right to accurate, relevant, quality and reliable information.
As a public news service, EFE has no ideological line and does not express its own opinions.
Its information is based on the truthfulness of the facts, the consultation of all sources, the rejection of any manipulation and the respect of the ethical principles that govern the protocol of obtaining and editing information.
The agency adheres to the principles of professional journalistic ethics laid down by Unesco, the Council of Europe and the International Federation of Journalists.
For this reason, the Editorial Statute establishes the independence of EFE and its staff, as well as a code of conduct that prevents the agency's journalists from accepting gifts, favours or services under favourable conditions.
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Article 3.2: Privacy and Safety
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 10/01/2023
However, at EFE Verifica we are committed and willing to protect the identity of the subjects of an investigation if there are reasonable concerns for their safety, a practice that we already apply in other areas of journalism, as expressed in the aforementioned Editorial Statute.
If necessary, we will blur or obscure the faces of people involved in the debunked content as long as the identity is not relevant and in every case if there is a risk of that person being harassed or suffering from overexposure.
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
I have reviewed several pieces of content and found this to be consistent.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
Occasionally, we have quoted the name of recurrent disinformers when we felt it was important to better understand the context of a fact-checked claim.
This allusion was accompanied by an explanation of the disinformer's background, an admission in court of previous claims without evidence, or references to fact-checks of other of their publications.
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
In this case, ie, the source of the disinformative content is not shown:, as neither in this case:
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 15/12/2023
However, I found some exceptions where this is not the case. Several Twitter (X) accounts appear without blurring the name of the profile.
See for example:
So they need to explain these exceptions and clarify their working methods.
Date: 10/01/2023
Compliance with the Editorial Statute in EFE Verifica's information appears on our website as one of our basic rules, both in the section "What is EFE Verifica?" and in the description of our "Methodology".
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
In this piece, ie, it makes clear that the claims against a well-know journalist are false,
Her social media profiles are included as part of the research.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
For example:
Date: 10/01/2023
Compliance with the Editorial Statute in EFE Verifica's information appears on our website as one of our basic rules, both in the section "What is EFE Verifica?" and in the description of our "Methodology".
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
In this piece, ie, it makes clear that the claims against a well-know journalist are false,
Her social media profiles are included as part of the research.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
For example:
Date: 10/01/2023
"When we investigate a statement, we narrow down the meaning of the sentence.
We contact the original source to ask for additional information and the context in which the statements were made.
If it is a photo or video, we try to locate the original to check if it has been manipulated. If necessary, we will interview the first user who posted the content or look for clues in the images.
If someone is the subject of allegations that are not debunked the review of the investigated facts and are considered relevant to the fact-check, we offer the right of reply".
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
In this case,, the political party involved has been quoted as source to answer a false claim against them.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
I checked with compliance in several publications, for example:
Besides, there is a section where corrections are published:
Best Practices
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 10/01/2023
Date: 16/01/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Article 3.3: Honest corrections
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
They have just published 5 corrections so far:
Date: 10/01/2023
In order to correct any errors that may be made in these pieces of information, EFE's general corrections policy will be applied, as stated above in the "Corrections and Rectifications" section of the Editorial Statute (Articles 53 to 56):
53. EFE will correct without delay any error found in its information, specifying the error.
54. If the error is the source's and the source requests that it be corrected, the new text will state: "At the request of the source" or "due to an error by the source".
55. Any correction, rectification or deletion of a news item should, wherever possible, be agreed in advance with the author.
56. If, contrary to the opinion of the author of the information, EFE corrects, rectifies or cancels a news item, the editor may refer the matter to the Editorial Board, which shall study the case and issue a report as a matter of utmost urgency.
Here is a link to the requested example published by a media subscriber of EFE.
We also apply this corrections policy to our social media posts. Here is an example of a recent update. In this case, there was no mistake, but events changed the meaning of a fact-check, and we went ahead and explained it.
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
I checked the two examples they provide to ensure they complied with this policy:
Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
"The validity of a fact-check generally extends beyond its date of publication, unless new circumstances or evidence change its conclusions. In this case, these changes will be incorporated into the review as an "UPDATE". In addition, if the verification refers to facts that will soon expire, we warn in the preface that the conclusion is valid at the time of publication but may soon change".
Here is an example of an update.
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Needs more info
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
Best Practices:
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as best practices that are encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 10/01/2023
Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
Date: 15/12/2023
"In the event that a complaint has not been satisfactorily addressed, the affected person or entity can request a review from the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), which safeguards good practice in the practice of fact-checking.
In addition, EFE Verifica has applied for membership of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), another association to which those affected can request an independent review of a complaint whose outcome they consider unsatisfactory".
Article 4.1: Organisational transparency
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 10/01/2023
To find out how the newsroom works, you can also consult the "Team" section.
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
Date: 22/12/2023
Information is provided and clear.
Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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EFE Verifica is an area of the Digital Content Division of EFE, an international, multilingual and multimedia news agency with a worldwide network of journalists.
EFE, a leading Spanish-language news agency, has always had as its raison d'être to tell the facts as they are.
As a public news service, EFE has no ideological line and does not transmit its own opinions.
The information is based on the truthfulness of the facts, the consultation of all sources, the rejection of any manipulation and the respect for the ethical principles that govern the protocol of obtaining and editing information.
The Agency adheres to the principles of professional journalism ethics laid down by Unesco, the Council of Europe and the International Federation of Journalists.
The Editorial Charter therefore prescribes the independence of EFE and its employees and imposes a code of conduct that prevents the Agency's journalists from accepting gifts, favours or services on advantageous terms.
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Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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This is established in its Editorial Statute, which is supervised by an autonomous Editorial Board.
As stated in the aforementioned Editorial Statute, a mandatory rule for the Agency's employees, EFE is a publicly owned news company, owned by society as a whole, which contributes to the effective exercise of the citizens' right to accurate, relevant, quality and reliable information.
Article 4.2: Financial transparency and conflicts of interest
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), organisations or parent organisations must:
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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The verification service is financed from the Agency's general budget. EFE's revenues come mainly from the compensation it receives from the State for providing a Service of General Economic Interest, recognised by the European Commission, as well as from the sale of text, photo, audio, video and multimedia news services, which reach more than two thousand media outlets around the world on a daily basis.
In 2022, it had a net turnover of EUR 86.5 million, 62.2% of which is state funding for providing a public service in the field of communication, while 37.7% is revenue from sales of services. This information is detailed in the notes to the annual accounts for the financial year 2022 (note 19.1, page 46).
Some of the clients of EFE's news services are RTVE, European Pressphoto Agency (EPA), Atresmedia, Associated Press TV News, Canal Sur Radio y Televisión, Junta de Comunidades de Castilla y la Mancha, SER, Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Generalitat Valenciana, El País, Unidad Editorial de Información General (Unedisa), Generalitat de Catalunya, Radio Televisión Madrid, Xunta de Galicia, COPE, La Vanguardia, Audiovisual Española 2000 and the Junta de Andalucía.
Among the clients of the above-mentioned news services are some public institutions. The Agency has subscribers of this type in different countries, a list that includes ministries, regional governments, city councils, embassies, parliaments and universities.
EFE also receives income from the EU for the work of EFE Verifica in Iberifier, the digital media and verification observatory in Spain and Portugal, funded by the European Commission and linked to the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO). These observatories bring together verifiers, universities, multidisciplinary research centres and experts in media literacy to analyse disinformation and collaborate in the fight against this threat.
In addition, EFE participates in the European Newsroom, a collaborative project between news agencies across Europe that includes the fight against disinformation.
Other EU-funded projects include Panodissey, Rising Stars, Stars4Media, CoFoE, closer to your region, SysFlex, as well as the Life programme initiatives Wetlands4Climate, Invasaqua, Kantauribai, Renaturwat, Terra, Watercool and Urbaso.
It also has partnerships with several technology companies:
EFE Verifica has been part of Meta's external data verification programme in Spain since May 2020. The aim of this agreement, in which only organisations with the IFCN seal participate, is to combat misinformation and the spread of false messages on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.
As far as Facebook and Instagram are concerned, Meta provides verifiers with a continuously updated database of articles, photos and videos suspected of being fake. EFE is free to decide which content it verifies and the rating it assigns to it based on the verified facts.
You can read about how this collaboration works in detail here.
As for WhatsApp, users can alert the circulation of possible misinformation and disinformation to EFE Verifica, which then has the ability to respond with a verification article. Without such prior submission, it is not possible to access such content because WhatsApp messages and calls are protected by end-to-end encryption, meaning that only the people sending or receiving the messages can read or listen to them.
Read more here.
EFE Verifica collaborates with the Microsoft Democracy Forward Initiative to identify emerging disinformation narratives and study the channels used to disseminate them in Latin America.
The agreement builds on the US multinational's expertise in data intelligence and strengthens the fight against disinformation operations in Latin America by providing mechanisms to expose them and limit their effectiveness.
This collaboration is part of Microsoft's commitment to create a healthier information ecosystem and strengthen the promotion of democracy.
In addition, EFE is a content provider for the Microsoft Start internet portal, formerly known as MSN (The MicroSoft Network).
Google and YouTube
The Agency also has an agreement with Google for advertising revenue from EFE's YouTube channel.
In the past, it has also obtained several grants to, among other things, boost video verification, fight vaccine-related misinformation and promote consultations on its WhatsApp channel, with funding from the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), YouTube and Meta, among others, and has also received funding from the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).
Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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In addition, EFE participates in the European Newsroom, a collaborative project between news agencies across Europe that includes the fight against disinformation.
Other EU-funded projects include Panodissey, Rising Stars, Stars4Media, CoFoE, closer to your region, SysFlex, as well as the Life programme initiatives Wetlands4Climate, Invasaqua, Kantauribai, Renaturwat, Terra, Watercool and Urbaso.
It also has partnerships with several technology companies.
Date: 10/01/2023
Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Charo Sadaba (assessor)
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Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles (assessor)
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Best Practices
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
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