Membership in the EFCSN signifies an organisation’s rigorous commitment to provide accurate information ethically and transparently, without bias or prejudice and focus on matters in the public interest as well as a proven track record of excellence, integrity and accountability as definied in the European Code of Standards for Independent Fact-Checking Organisations.
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Delfi Melo detektorius
Please, answer the following questions:
Date: 23/10/2023
Melo detektorius was established in 2018 as a non-profit political fact-checking project within a for-profit organisation UAB Delfi, aimed at more transparency and higher quality journalism. In the same year, the editor of Melo detektorius visited the Poynter Institute, where she gained valuable insight into the IFCN and its best practices. In a year, Melo detektorius managed to prove to the community that it applies the highest standards of fact-checking and transparency, and was accepted to become an IFCN signatory. Since 2019, we have been a partner of Meta in its 3PFC program. Being part of this program has opened up new opportunities to expand and try new things. From a very small fact-checking operation in Lithuania's largest newsroom, Melo detektorius has grown into a multilingual project that added Russian to its operations in 2020 which became an important fact-checked information source for Russian speaking minority in the Baltic countries. In 2021, we joined DIGIRES, a collective collaboration between professional journalists, academia and NGO’s aimed at advocation of media literacy and searching for new methods to ease fact-checkers' daily fight against misinformation. This collaboration provided opportunities to gain more experience in organising trainings, workshops and communicating with target groups. However, the main scope of our mission remains delivering factual information to our readers and viewers and fighting misinformation online via day to day fact-checking. We regularly publish our fact-checks in Lithuanian and Russian language and experiment with different forms of delivery, such as articles, short fact-checking videos, fact graphics and disinformation trends reviews broadcasted in Delfi TV channel. Since the beginning of Melo detektorius initiative we expanded the topics that we cover embracing a big variety of public interest topics, such as health, politics, conflicts, technologies, science etc.
Date: 23/10/2023
RUSSIAN: Currently there is 1 journalist producing fact-checks in Russian language for the Russian version. You can find all our current staff members with the short biographies as well as the list of journalists who contributed to the initiative in the past listed here.
Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 23/10/2023
Besides that we are planning to publish more in-depth investigations focused primarily on Russian propaganda narratives.
We are actively seeking for new interactive and engaging ways to produce and represent our fact-checking content to attract wider audience and intend to continue these efforts over the coming year.
Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 08/11/2023
Date: 23/10/2023
Article 2.2: Methodology
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 23/10/2023
RUSSIAN: in our methodology we explain how we select claims that we intent to fact-check here.
Our methodologies for both our channels Lithuanian and Russian are identical. We publicly state that the claims we decide to fact-check shall be selected on the basis of their relevance to the Lithuanian population, their impact on society, and the dissemination of the information, and shall not be selected on the basis of the journalist's preconceived notions or the pursuit of profit. We cover wide range of topics of public interest. You can see it in the list of topics provided together with the list of all fact-checks we published in the previous year that we provide in Article 6 of 'Eligibility to apply' section.
Date: 29/01/2024
Date: 23/10/2023
LITHUANIAN: We explain how we select claims to be fact-checked and which claims we cannot fat-check in our Methodology under the section 'Faktų atranka' here.
RUSSIAN: We explain how we select claims to be fact-checked and which claims we cannot fat-check in our Methodology under the section 'Отбор фактов' here.
Best Practices:
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Martins Kaprans (assessor)
Non Compliant
Date: 03/03/2024
Article 3.1: Non-Partisanship and Impartiality
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 31/01/2024
The applicant demonstrates a consistent adherence to non-partisanship. Their organisational structure, staff, and funding sources do not show any bias or alignment with specific political entities or ideologies. This is further corroborated by their fact-checking work, which displays an equal approach regardless of the political affiliation of the subject matter. The content they produce and the partnerships they disclose align with the principle of impartiality, further reinforcing their commitment to non-partisan reporting.
In conclusion, based on the evidence provided in their application, as well as my observations from reviewing their work and website, the applicant not only has appropriate policies in place to ensure non-partisanship but also effectively adheres to these standards in practice. This holistic assessment leads to a clear affirmation of their compliance with the non-partisanship and impartiality standard.
Date: 23/10/2023
The same principle is explained in The Code of Ethics for Lithuanian public information here.
LITHUANIAN: We publicly state that we commit to both these codes in our fact-checking operations website here.
RUSSIAN: We publicly state that we commit to both these codes in our fact-checking operations website here.
Date: 31/01/2024
Date: 23/10/2023
RUSSIAN: We explain this policy in our methodology section here.
Please find 10 fact-checks to prove that we use the same methodology and the exact same article structure for all the claims that we fact-checked despite their source and political spectrum. In all these examples our journalists refrain from using emotional language or expressing their personal opinions towards the matter listing solely factual information with all the neccessary sources attached. In all these cases and every other fact-check that we produce we let the sources and investigation dictate our conclusions. These specific articles were selected to prove how misinformation spread by completely different sources on completely different topics is analysed in exactly the same manner described in our methodology section. Within our list of all fact-checks published in past 12 months (uploaded in section 6 of 'Eligibility to apply' we also provide the list of topics that each article represents to reflect that we do not focus on any specific topic and do not take any particular political side but rather choose the claims based on our methodology where we describe which criteria we use for claims selection.
1. Praneša apie Rusijos numuštą savo pačių naikintuvą naudodami seną nuotrauką: ji nėra susijusi su karu Ukrainoje
2. Ar tikrai Europos Komisija leido vabzdžius naudoti visuose maisto produktuose ir kokį poveikį sveikatai daro juose esantis chitinas?
3. Ne, Lietuvos politikai rankose nelaikė plakatų su užrašu, reikalaujančiu išlaisvinti Bartoševičių
4. Ar šiame vaizdo įraše nufilmuoti iš užlietų teritorijų po Kachovkos užtvankos susprogdinimo bėgantys ukrainiečiai
5. Ar Lenkijoje aptiktas rusiškas aliuminis įrodo, kad sankcijos neveikia?
6. Ar uraganų ir viesulų valdymo patentas įrodo, kad stichines nelaimes sukelia žmogus?
7. Ar tikrai paprastoji musmirė nenuodinga?
8. Ar įraše nufilmuoti egiptiečiai, per sieną gabenantys maistą ir vandenį palestiniečiams?
9. Ar tikrai Lietuvoje visi gyventojai mokės NT mokestį?
10. Ar Zelenska „Cartier“ papuošalams išleido daugiau nei milijoną JAV dolerių?
1. Правда ли, что Вильнюс и Клайпеду Литва получила благодаря Сталину?
2. Фейк: мультфильм про свинку из Украины распространил телеканал из Израиля
3. Манипуляция: диета от Шваба - Еда, несущая смерть
4. Ложь: в Литве увеличивается количество преступлений, в этом виноваты украинские беженцы
5. Манипуляция: команда президента Литвы признала, что Украина может проиграть войну
6. Манипуляция: "странами Балтии управляют потомки коллаборантов и бывшие агенты КГБ"
7. Правда ли, что Украина – это "исторически искусственное государство", а Польша желает оккупировать Литву?
8. Правда ли, что глобальное потепление и его угроза человечеству - миф и грандиозная научная афера?
9. Правда ли, что главком ВС Литвы признал, что в Украине воюют военнослужащие литовской армии?
10. Правда ли, что "Великобритания будет слать преступников в Балтийские страны, чтобы колонизировать регион?"
Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 23/10/2023
In our fact-checking department Melo detektorius website we publicly swear to comply with the policies listed above here (LITHUANIAN version) and here (RUSSIAN version).
Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 23/10/2023
The same principle is explained in The Code of Ethics for Lithuanian public information here.
We publicly state that we commit to both these codes in our fact-checking operations website here (LITHUANIAN version) and here (RUSSIAN version).
Date: 23/10/2023
The same principle is explained in The Code of Ethics for Lithuanian public information here.
We publicly state that we commit to both these codes in our fact-checking operations website here (LITHUANIAN version) and here (RUSSIAN version).
Date: 23/10/2023
The same guidelines are explained in The Code of Ethics for Lithuanian public information here.
We publicly state that we commit to both these codes in our fact-checking operations website here (LITHUANIAN version) and here (RUSSIAN version).
Article 3.2: Privacy and Safety
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 23/10/2023
In our investigations, all sources used and the identities of the experts interviewed must be disclosed, unless naming the source would create a demonstrable risk. If an anonymous source is used in an investigation, the journalist must identify more sources to corroborate the claims made by the anonymous source.
Date: 31/01/2024
Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 31/01/2024
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Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 23/10/2023
Best Practices
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 23/10/2023
Article 3.3: Honest corrections
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 23/10/2023
We did not have any cases where the original publication in which the mistake was made was not editable therefore we cannot provide an example.
Date: 23/10/2023
We did not have any cases where the mistake made was a substantial one changing the meaning or the rating of a fact-check therefore we cannot provide an example.
Date: 23/10/2023
Please find two examples in which new information has been added after the publication of fact-checks here and here. In both these cases a comment received by us after the publication by important sources for the investigation has been added with a note in the same publication.
Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 31/01/2024
Date: 31/01/2024
Best Practices:
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as best practices that are encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 23/10/2023
Martins Kaprans (assessor)
Non Compliant
Date: 03/03/2024
Date: 23/10/2023
Article 4.1: Organisational transparency
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), operations must:
Date: 23/10/2023
As for the description of all staff members that play any role in our fact-checking department please press here (LITHUANIAN version) or here (RUSSIAN version).
Date: 31/01/2024
Date: 23/10/2023
We provide our adress, status of the organisation and registration number here.
UAB Delfi is owned by the the leading media group in the Baltic States AS Ekspress Grupp. We publicly declare this status here under section 'Autorinės teisės'. Please find all shareholders of Ekspress Grupp listed here under section 'Management Report' -> 'Shares and shareholders of as Ekspress Grupp'.
Date: 23/10/2023
We provide the information of our parent organisation (UAB Delfi) governance structure and all important roles with our staff LinkedIn profiles (only if staff member has one) here.
We provide the information about our fact-checking department staff here (for the staff of Lithuanian language version) or here (for the staff of Russian language version). We also describe how editorial responsabilities are distributed within the staff of our fact-checking department in our methodology section here (LITHUANIAN version) and here (RUSSIAN version).
Date: 23/10/2023
Please find more information about Delfi Lietuva mission, values and corporate responsability here.
Date: 23/10/2023
All the departments of UAB Delfi must adhere to UAB Delfi Code of Ethics here and The Code of Ethics for Lithuanian public information here.
Article 4.2: Financial transparency and conflicts of interest
In order to be recognised as a verified member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), organisations or parent organisations must:
Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 23/10/2023
Our parent organisation UAB Delfi publishes sponsored content but it has to be clearly marked as so as is stated in Delfi's Code of Ethics under Article 30 and 31 here. The same principle is repeated in The Code of Ethics for Lithuanian public information here under Article 26 and 27 to which UAB Delfi also complies.
Please find the list of sponsored content published by UAB Delfi here. We mark our sponsored content with two labels, one above the cover picture of article that states 'Reklama' (eng. Advertisement) and another marking under each cover picture that states 'Partnerio turinys' (eng. Content of Partners).
Date: 23/10/2023
Date: 23/10/2023
Best Practices
In addition to the required standards listed above, the Code identifies the following as a best practice that is encouraged but not required to join the EFCSN.
Date: 23/10/2023